Park / The Kingdoms

Park_3087 The Kingdoms


  • Comment System%s's Photo
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  • csw%s's Photo

    I hope this gets more attention, it was quite fun to view.


    I loved the Middleage Kingdom, it was very atmospheric. Safari Kingdom was also quite nice. Overall it looks like a lot of fun was had and I quite enjoyed it. 

  • Coasterbill%s's Photo

    I agree. This was a lot of fun. I liked how a lot of the coasters seemed to be heavily inspired by real coasters (Hulk, Kumba, Montu and Flight of Fear) but they all had their own unique twists.


    I think my favorite areas were the Dynamite Blaster area and the Gold Rusher area. You seem to do that theme very well.


    Great Park, csw is right... this needs more comments.

  • Poke%s's Photo

    Your buildings are very flat and square. But you have some nice ideas and themes.

  • Dadit%s's Photo

    Thanks for your reactions! I´m verry happy that you like my work. Can you give me some advise, how to get more attention on my upload? From my point of view, only critic´s are a reason and motivation for me to work on such big projects. And i have lots of othe unfinished parks on my computer.

  • csw%s's Photo

    I would suggest posting screenshots and advertising your parks before you release, so we are excited for them to come out and view them straight away after they are released. This would probably garner more attention if people knew it existed beforehand. 

  • AvanineCommuter%s's Photo

    It looks like you had fun making this. It was fun trying to guess the inspiration behind certain rides, and it was enjoyable to watch. It is an impressive amount of work as well! I think the quality of the architecture and the rides themselves could be better, but that comes with time and practice. 

  • 49.38%(required: 50%)  Spotlight Submission
    Percentage of vote: 49.38%
    Kumba 65%
    csw 60%
    5dave 55%
    Liampie 55%
    JJayMForce 50%
    Maverix 50%
    Fizzix 45%
    AvanineCommuter 40%
    FredD 40%
    tyandor 40%
  • Description

    The Kingdoms is a huge themepark resort with 4 diffrent themeparks ang some other attractions. Have fun while visiting Fantasy Kingdom, America Kingdom, Safari Kingdom, Middleage Kingdom and the King Pier!

    The original Idea was that each park is build from a diffrent builder, but with the colsing of a german fansite the project get lost. Only the King Pier of Doomsday was finished and some parts of one big park. Later i build more an more by myself on this map, and after years i finally finished it. For me it is important to build without custom objects, and try to opperate a park with peeps, but at such a huge project was handling the organisation and staff without 8cars and hidden tunnels impossible.

    Finally I´m verry happy taht this huge project is finished. I introduced some own ideas next to big inspirations from all over the world. I hop you enjoy this project! I think this is something totally unique on its own way!

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