Park / Iron Wood Valley
07-March 04
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G Force 70% saxman1089 70% bigshootergill 65% Jaguar 65% Liampie 65% Ling 65% posix 65% RWE 65% Xeccah 65% Cocoa 60% Scoop 60% 5dave 55% 64.50% -
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Congratulations RCTM and RCTI!
First off, let me say great job on the park. I would also like to point out a few my observations regarding some of the comments so far.
1 - Is it me, or are we beginning to expect too much from parks that are released? I ask this because I think we are all setting too high of a bar and that could be the contributing factor as to the lack of new parks being completed and or released. I understand the need to push ourselves to think outside the box but not to the point that nothing gets released. Again, just my opinion
2 - Had this park been released say in early 2003, I think people would have a different opinion of it. Like some of the comments have noted, the park was started over a year ago and does not have the â€latest and greatest†in custom objects. If you look at the advertising topic for this park, the same SS that people were excited about are now saying meh about it. Although time has changed and moved on, the builders were still stuck with the same objects.
3 – Trees, trees and more trees! This is a tough one to call as the comments regarding the tree placement is valid but I would like to add that if the park itself only had trees around the coasters, then I would support that argument but the whole park is filled with trees and the tree’s IS part of the theme to Acorn
4 – Kai’s area – This is classic Kai (or at least as I know him). It’s funny how people couldn’t believe that Kai was apart of KLAP due to the lack of color but the location of the park drove that requirement but Acorn (also a forest park) did not have this requirement and it adds the much need color to the park. This is also what happens when you have 4 different styles build in one park, there will be different interpretations of the theme and this adds to the experience of a club park.
Final thoughts – Acorn has more going for it than I think most people understand. If you are just looking at the big ticket items, then you are really missing on the little details and the trees could be the reason for this. You really have to look deep to fully appreciate the work that went into this park. I’m just as guilty as the next guy who just skims over a park as It does take time to review it and at times, I just don’t have the time to spare so I understand completely. For those that have not looked at Acorn, I ask that you take your time and look at all the nooks and crannies and past the trees. I think it will surprise you.
Again these are just my observations and by no means do I consider myself an expert but IMHO, I think Acorn is a much better park than some are giving it.
IWV: The midway games are a very creative yet realistic touch, and executed better than I've ever seen it done. The best atmosphere in the whole park (for me) is the elevators by the East entrance. Bravo! The flyer was great too. That one element (like the pretzel loop with a turn at the bottom) gave me a little shiver.
Acorn Springs: Great group effort! Thank you for the water slide. Mick, was it? Anyway, it's always nice to see one that the peeps can actually ride. Best atmosphere: Mike's English Cycles, set in the pristine garden. My favorite coaster was probably JagerMeister, but the looping woody was nice too with the dramatic splash finish.
Impressive round!
Both were very nice too. I've already told Kumba in detail what I think about IWV when I tested it a while ago, and the park hasn't really changed at all since then, so I'll just say I thought it was a nice realistic-style park with some great atmosphere and little touches, though perhaps a bit repetitive in some parts.
Acorn Springs was certainly nice too, I especially enjoyed Toon's, Kai's and rwadam's areas. Mike Robbins' part seemed very outdated, and Mike's part didn't really interest me for some reason. Great park, still. Jagermeister is probably the best RCT2 giga-type coaster yet. The architecture was mostly great, and so was the atmosphere. All the trees destroyed it a bit for me, even if I understand that they were necessary in some parts.
Also where are Mike, Toon, Mick, and RW? dont you guys want to say thank you for the page or something?
btw Titan and Kai im still waiting....
I read.... I just don't always respond.
Great park guys. I really enjoyed my stay along with the family feel the park gives. Some of the highlights I liked was the elevators. I know it's not much and to some it may be downright boring but it was the first time I've seen them used in that way and it worked very well. I also enjoyed all the arcade games you guys created. I have lost more than a few dollers on those so it was nice to see them and not lose my wallet. The only thing I was not a big fan of was some of the coasters seemed to slow in parts. I know I'm not the one who should be commenting on coasters but other than the speed, I liked them.
Anyway, great effort by you guys and I look forward to seeing more from RCTI.
Thanks again.
I just viewed both parks for the first time. These old Silvers tend to be the most obscure accolades, I believe.
Acorn Springs positively surprised me. I never got into any of the builders credited with this park, not even Toon or rwadams of South Beach fame. It shows that the park is very very old with only a limited supply of early custom scenery. As a result, some of the areas look bland. Others, however, are great. I love Mick's entrance area, feels a bit like 2005 Paul. Something about it. rwadams Ardennes beats it though. The theme makes no sense (Dutch ride names, Belgian region as the area name, and theming that doesn't look like either of those things) but damn isn't it atmospheric! Rwadams crafted something incredibly cozy and pleasant to look at here. Will be featured in a #flashbackfriday screen soon... There were other highlights too, but nothing I'd like to mention now especially.
Ironwood Valley was also very nice. More consistent, with a higher average, but with lower peaks. Early Kumba was pretty good, and PenguinBOB was pretty good too. The Crucible is an excellent Flying Dutchman coaster. I wish we still had parks like these! (but better)
I voted 65% on both parks.
IWV:Start of the messy laying of kumbatecture. Has some kitsch execution of ideas. Really the start of the OG kumba style. All of the layouts are fairly good and the areas held my attention adequately. 65%