Park / Le Petit Jardin

Park_3047 Le Petit Jardin


  • Comment System%s's Photo
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  • FK+Coastermind%s's Photo

    This was very cute. Nothing mind blowing IMO, but well constructed.


    I thought the foliage was really well done in spots. The building forms showed a lot of promise with some fresh ideas, but i would say the bulk of the buildings often seemed unrefined or rough on the edges. Look at better using details to smooth over or connect edges.



  • ottersalad%s's Photo

    Thanks for the comments.. I agree and appreciate everything you said.

  • Louis!%s's Photo

    I love little realistic things like this. I wish people did more of them.


    I think the trouble with this is it contradicts itself as to whether it is a theme park, or whether it is just an area of real-life.


    It has touches of both, and I believe that is where it starts to fall a little flat and isn't as impressive as it could've been.


    But still, nice little submission

  • Poke%s's Photo

    This was really cute and peaceful. I enjoyed looking at all the little buildings. Good work.

  • ottersalad%s's Photo

    @Louis, I get what you are saying.. I guess my idea was that this isn't a real village or whatever, but just a fake town thats meant to "feel" like something real.. the train is supposed to give a better/different view of this fake farm town.


    So, maybe it is a heavily themed train ride in a theme park, but in my mind I wanted it to be a train ride through Marie Antoinette's playground farm. But, I'm glad you enjoyed it.


    @PCE: Cute and peaceful was what I was going for.. I'm glad it didn't come across as sinister or dark.. that would've been a complete 180.