Park / Europa Worldwide 2005
09-July 03
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- Comments 48

62.50%(required: none)
5dave 65% Jaguar 65% Liampie 65% RWE 65% saxman1089 65% Cocoa 60% Ling 60% posix 60% Scoop 60% G Force 55% 62.50% -
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Especially if you're looking for more and more RCT2 content at New Element. We've got a whopping five RCT2 runner-ups, and a grand total of 7 runner up this round, the most for any round...ever! Congratulations to Mike Robbins, MickMaximus, Sboarder, Junya Boy, Titan, RCTFlame, Nic T, mantis, and rctfreak2000 for their respective works this round.
Myths, Legends, and Folklore by Mike Robbins and MickMaximus
Cascades Amusement Park
Dez-Morais Amusements
Tinted Shores by RCTFlame
Six Flags Hoosier Station by Titan
And for the LL Runner-Ups, we've got a couple great ones too!!!
Europa Worldwide 2K5 by Nic T and mantis
Xanfia by rctfreak2000
What a round!
Remember when you used to tell me that Freak? Well I think and hope that I have gone in my different direction with Crypto now, it is your turn next with Siberia. Make it different, as for the park is concerned it was very nice. I love the custom tree, but it reminded me of Xanfia so much its unreal.
As for Mantis and Nic, great job guys. This is actually much better than I first expected, all the areas are beautiful. Bali just blew me away, the dueling SLC's were perfecto. Great colour schemes too, thats where Mantis's work shines through
Well judging by the screens of the Rct2 parks they were all very nice, but I liked Rctflames a lot. It reminded me of Crypto in some ways because of the colourd areas. The blue and white areas looked very nice, good job on the architecture.
Your NE Debuts sure were pretty, um, big?
Looks like a great round, lots of great RCT2 parks being released. Maybe RCT1's time is up.
Thanks for making me feel welcome here and thanks to everyone whos looked at my work over the last few years.
Its over..
And now I can't even do a Tinted Shores that's a larger map, cuz that would ruin the Oh well, I'm happy I finally got a runner-up So thx
Twisted Offline
Europe was excellent although i'm not too sure on the Rhodes area for some reason
All the other areas were awesome.
Well done Nic.
Sorry that youre retiring.
Xanfia was nice but im with the others, it is similar to Exile.
Some great rides in the park, but the bare area was dissapointing.
Lets not speak about that, Rct1 will never die.
Thanks for the runner-up spot.
BTW, Pyro is a stand-up, not floorless.
MLF was very very nice. I liked the sicilian area (I think that's what he called it) the most, even if it wasn't incredibly original
I'm not really sure how I feel about Junya's park. Part of me wants to like it, and part of me, well, dosn't, so I'm not sure.
And thanx to the 1 (one) person who liked my park. Lol
CASCADES- Wow, so much to look at. Like MLF, I had trouble deciding where to start. In your retiring thread, you mentioned “not being able to compete with todays modern parksâ€â€¦.. or something like that. Well, you are wrong, stuff like this CAN compete with todays parks. Your architecture reminds me strangly of my own, which makes this park all the more appealing.
DES MORAINS AMUSMENTS- Ehhh, I dont know. Sorry, but this just didnt do it for me. Way too many trees my friend, way too many trees. Where is the architecture? Themeing? Those should always be put before any other type of scenary......... to me it seemed rather obvious that the trees were just filler. But then again, I dont know what I am talking about. This park has murkiest atmosphere since Altamont by Natelox....... but unlike Altamont, I didnt quite enjoy the murkiness. Try and make your architecture stick out more from your trees and other scenary. What little archy you had was blended in with the scenary around it so that you couldnt see it! The coasters did have pretty decent layouts though, so Ill give you that.
TINTED SHORES- Oh, the size isnt really that big of a deal "irsi". In fact, I almost like it better that way. You dont get tired of any of it do you? But furthermore, this is indeed one of the strangest park concepts I have ever seen. But what the crap, it fits the name, and it is new, so I am certainly not going to complain. While I'm on that note, complaining is the last thing I'm going to do about this park. I rather like it. It flows smootly, has nicely contrasting sections, its all pretty pleasant. Not amazing, just incredibly pleasant.
SIX FLAGS HOOSIER STATION- Nice realism, and a solid park. There is nothing else to say about this. Just overall solid work. I WOULD however urge you to use more buildings...... they were esspecially in need near the rapids, but throughout the park as well. C'mon guys, put some depth in your work!
EUROPA WORLDWIDE- Bright cheery atmosphere. Some of todays better landscaping (I mean, its a nice change from the traditional flat park). Architecture could use some work in places, but that can be overlooked. Once again, an overall portrait of what I like to call 'solid work'. Yah. I am kinda short for comments right now, but just like your architecture, that can be overlooked. I'll also give you a couple extra 'kudos' for being the only pair (Or, um, "half a pair"............ you know what I mean) to finish your PW park from that first competition. Take off a couple 'kudos' for having so much water though. *COUGH*filler*COUGH*.
XANFIA- I think I told you what I thought of this.......... but if I didnt, then just get over it
I'll just say this.............. TR was better. Yup.
I agree, it is similar to Exile, but I still think it was solid. Siberia should prove to be my best park, and I think it could get me through the originality problem some seem to think I have.
Thanks for selecting Xanfia irsi, and I'll comment on the others when I get time.
Is this just a common mistake at the moment or are people doing it on purpose?