Park / Entertainment City: Las Vegas
14-July 04
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I dont get to look at the parks, but I can remember building that wooden coaster for mort forever ago. I think that was before I was a parkmaker even.
And thorpedo, damn. At leaste you finished it.
All the screens looked nice guys, I'll check back in a couple more years to see your next parks.
2. This park was themed to NASCAR racing apparantly you have never watched it.
Thanks for the comments everyone. I'm just really glad that I finished it and it got a respectable spot on the NE website. Thanks to everyone for encouragement along the way and such. Look for screens on my new solo soon. Cough.
Richie Offline
1. It was my opinion, which has nothing to do with your thoughts. If they have their fun building huge hotels instead of rollercoasters, they can keep building them. To answer your question, me. I build parks not hotels/shops. Architecture does help, but I think rollercoasters and rides should come first.
2. I have watched NASCAR, but for about 5 minutes max. I dont find wathing cars race round in one big plain circle interesting. I dont see what me knowing about nascar has to do with me liking a park? Do they have loads of hotels round the circuits?
Batman Fan
Ice Dragon
Mama Bear
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RCT Flame
RCT Madman
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The Judge
It's not everyday you see an insult/belittlement of 26 peeps in one shot, including 2 NE parkmakers.
Oh, and I AM a slow doubt.
I'm not saying that's bad, by the way, I liked nascar.
*Waits for Phantasia*
I really do want to see his works, so I can see what his style is, or at the very least, see who he likes from the rest of the community to see what his preferences are. The problem I have is with the blanket statement that he's never liked RCTM parks, but I don't know what his reasons are. NASCAR has some of the best duelers I've seen, and for the theme of the park (and I'm not a NASCAR peep) it accomplishes what it's after...
I'm not asking/expecting that everyone will like them, but RCTM isn't just about taking a 256er and plopping down hotels, then filling in the rest. Out of the 19 parks, there's a helluva lot of variety, and we do have parks made by members other than Mick, Mike, NW and Roger...even recently, they just aren't done yet.
No one seems to remember the odyssey that is the Masters Palette, and how different that one is (just cos we dont over-advertise it) many other people are theming things to art?
That's really what I was trying to say...we're not out to please everyone, but it is curious how easily we can be lumped into one pile for how we're considered, when really, we create a lot of parks with a lot of variety...
Thanks for your time.
Oh, and congrats to all...I'll look at them this weekend....wonders which spot these are for...
Richie Offline
Everything else was amazing as well. Awsome work Mort!
NASCAR Experience by RCTNW and rwadams: I thought it was an amazing park and fit the theme well. It had some of the most amazing hotels I have ever seen in an Rct 2 park. The coasters were cool, ecspessialy the quad B&M's, nice work on those. Over all it was a very nice park and I look forward to more of your projects in the future.
Entertainment City: Las Vegas by JKay: I have been looking forward to this park for ever since I saw the first screens. Imo you have definetly improved since Thrillzone.
The architecture, the colors, and the themes were amazing.
The Hoover Dam was awsome and you did a very good job recreating it. I didn't much like the cut back on the bottom and way the Barrel Roll was constructed across the Dam.
The Western area I thought was too brown and not as good as the other areas but it was still good. Your coasters do need work, they don't look all that realistic, they look more Rctish like Deano said.
Overall you did an awsome job at recreating the Las Vegas feel, you even had ads here and there like the Wave Room where the sign said "2 for 1 massage. ACT NOW!" that was cool and reminded me of Vegas.
Awsome park JKay, I think your very close to becoming a Parkmaker one day.
Tulesian Islands by thorpedo: Nice park but not the best of the Runner Ups. Your architecture looked a tad random for my tastes. Other than that it looked like a nice park and did have some interesting parts to it.
Nice work Thorp.
If the Runnerups were this good, I can only imagine what the Spotlight round will be like.
The only regret for the park was hitting the limit. We lost one of the hotels due to a flood but we decide that we would not remove any other structures but rather remove some minimal detail work.
Again, we hope you have enjoyed the park.
Deano – Thanks. I agree that there as a bit more grass than we wanted but this really was the best balance to deal within the limits.
T.C. – Glad you enjoyed the park and thanks for the feedback. Like Mike said, we hit the limit not once, not twice but a total of 5 times. Without a doubt, a real pain in the ass to deal with.
X250 – Thanks. Glad you enjoyed it.
Steve – Not sure what you mean by messy landscaping. It could be because of the limit as stated above. It’s really tough to balance detail with the limit. Thanks though for the feedback.
TsUnamI – Thanks.
Ok now I have some specific comments regarding some of the other comments that to be honest, really blew me away.
Richie - Yes, several do as a matter of fact including Daytona and Atlanta just to name a two.
I thought we just did build a “theme park†themed to NASCAR! The actual park was approx 140x120 (don’t remember the exact size) which is nearly the same size as a full LL park.
The point I don’t understand is people talk about developing your own style and to not copy someone else. I think both rog and myself have very unique styles when it comes to RCT. Now we are being told by some (including rctfan1556 before he edited his comments) that we should not add hotels and waterparks to our projects. WTF! THAT IS OUR STYLE! Now I can’t speak for rog but I understand that styles can get boring but I disagree that all three of my latest club parks are repetitive. KLAP was a mountain park, Pacific Island was very unique in concept and execution and I believe this is the first NASCAR park of this size. The only think that ties the three together is the hotels. The hotels are my signature element to EVERY park I have made. Now I’m being told to abandon this style! Do you know how hard it is to develop a unique style? With that being said, I know I will never make Parkmaker status because I don’t branch out and try new things. For me, that’s fine. I really enjoy this style and is the main reason why I have completed EVERY single project I have started (with the exception of my very first park). I build parks because I enjoy it and I enjoy my style and do not plan to change it any time soon.
Sorry about the rant but that just really blew me away.
Anyway, I’d like to thanks Iris for the review and the Super Runner-Up title, AP for the kick ass logo, Kai for the support, everyone for the feedback during the construction and especially rog for building with me on the project. It was a blast!
I'll d/l JKay’s park later tonight and provide my feedback but early impressions is that it is another fine example of his talents. Great job!
Congrats to mort and thorp also for their LL entries
Thorp's park was alright I guess, nothing that I'll look at again and go "wow", just a decent, solid park.
These two parks looked both decent, but there wasn't anything mindblowing for me... I liked the area with Mantis' coaster the best in thorp's park (also the theming
From the RCT2 ones I liked NASCAR the most... I was really looking forward to this park (as I'm looking forward to every RCTNW park) and it didn't disappoint at all... I always like RCTNW's style; A big hotel (in this case hotels) in a realistic environment together with a themepark... And these hotels were once again amazing! Especially rog's (what I think it is-the orange one) hotel blew me away... the large glass wall were you can see the inside from is brilliant, also the art-deco style that it looks like it's built in fits perfectly... RCTNW's hotel & museum were amazing also, with the monorail going through it and things...
Some parts in the park were a bit too plain for my taste, especially some unthemed flatrides, and some of the plain grass... as ride6 said, maybe you could've used some other object slots from places where you didn't need them to theme the park a bit more... that's minor though...
I didn't really liked JKay's park; it's too messy and unorganised and just flipped together in couple of days... props for that, but now it just looks too rushed... On your next project I highly recommend taking more time to build a themepark (that is what you want to do, right?), and build buildings because they are buildings and serve a purpose... it's off course you're own decision and if you only like to build architectural buildings you've gotta do that... I just like to see buildings with a purpose, buildings that support a park, not a park that supports buildings...
Great round of runner-ups and I'm glad I've seen them just before I go to Indonesia
JKay - that was an eye-popping park if ever i've seen one. Those arrows kinda hurt my head after a while. You've got no trouble with architecture, that's for sure. I really didn't enjoy the coasters though - two lifts on most of them, unfocussed layouts...there was on bit where the invert did a corkscrew over the mine train and through coincidence they...coincided, and that was cool, but apart from that I didn't enjoy them. Tune the coasters up and i'll really start enjoying your parks.
Great round of runner-up parks this time - although I can see why none of them made spotlight. I reckon spotlights needn't be every so many rounds of runner-up parks, cos that's how things like The Lost Era happen (*watches as WME plots my murder*). Anwyay, great parks, thanks for the enjoyment! If rct2 didn't take so long to load i'd be visiting NASCAR and Las Vegas more times, but as it is i'll just be checking out Crypt and Tulesian again. That's my main problem with rct2 really - any parks I d/l have little repeat value because it takes so long to be able to look
Richie Offline
Anyways, I really enjoyed the NASCAR park, I thought it was spotlight quality, but that is just me. I liked the realism of the park, and I actually think the mowed grass looked nice, and made the park avoid the cluttered look. Which my parks always seem to achieve.
The only let down was the inverted rollercoaster which was awful IMHO. The fliers looked a bit ugly aswell, but then again it is difficult to make duelling fliers look nice.
I wasn't sure about JKays park, I thought the coaster layouts were in general dreadful and were not like any "real" coaster designs. I hated the area around the damn aswell, as coasters just simply don't have near misses with a damn. The coaster should of flipped and tuned on the area at either side of the damn without venturing near it. For a fantasy park is was worth a runner up spot though, so well done on that.
I'll check out the rct parks later.