Park / Disneyland Mid-America
17-November 02
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The parks in order of preference:
1. egypTopia
Ok. This park is my third favourite park. Ever. Without being melodramatic, I think this park really captures what I am always aiming towards in parkmaking. Falling short of Moonlight Magic on beauty, and Harakiri's Oceania on originality, egypTopia is otherwise exactly what I would love to be able to believe. The architecture is astounding - the restrained use of windows, subtle supports (in places where you'd never normally look) and rarely used textures and walls make the buildings very interesting. The coasters are fantastic, especially 'the Chariot of Lost Souls', and I thought the simple 'Sheik' had the best setting in the park. The luge coaster was probably the weakest coaster, with a slightly messy layout and strange launched lift hill pieces in unnecessary places. Fantastic zoo section (I'm guessing this and Sea World Desert Sahara are somehow inspired from each other?) and the several hacks around the park were great to seek out (similar to Stratford Fair in the use of small hacks). One question - what were the heartline coasters that didn't exist? Oh, and it's great to see someone else who enjoyed Delicatessen
2. Disneyland Mid-America
The main map was disappointing. The maintenance was crap, and some of the areas looked completely rushed. Some flashes of brilliance (tomorrowland and atlantis were very good), and a couple of areas where I could tell what aero21 was aiming at, but other areas were uninspiring. I don't care about the 'Disney' lable, I just wish it was a better park. Disney Imagi-Nation was better, especially the pirate area. Overall, impressive in parts, awful in others. PS The Triton Area sucked. Really, totally, sucked.
3. Paradise Falls
Nice ideas (cool waves, better than iris's) but poor theming. Monotonous trees and pretty bad rocks all round. Loved the corkscrew area, and the river rapids is one of the best water rides out there. Overall, good, but a bit....hmmm....
4. Pinewood Groves
Where did Robo's talent go? Shit landscaping, totally treed and no tangible atmosphere. Bring back the days of Rocky Falls.....PLEASE!
there you go.
How this thing never got spotlight is beyond me !! I think lichfield was great but this surely should have been spotlight. Imagine going to this park irl, the tomorrowland was just amazing.
I think it would have been better if you would have put roofs on the buildings where there was a ride indoor.
2. Egyptopia
Nice park, not amazing. Loved the rally ride though, one of the most innovative rides out there (along ith toucan falls
Some areas could have been improved but overall nice !!
3. Pinewood grove
Not a fond lover of this park but it was okay but I have seen a lot better from you. It had an efteling feel about the whole park.
The water park was a nice aspect.
4. Paradise falls
Oh wait this was our park...
Remember it is mine and gymkids debut
1- Coaster Ed's Park-- by miles.. it really looked great
2- Gymkids n Adam RCT-- ok.. nice idea for the water ride.. still gotta bring back the "winhack hacks" *hint* too bad for the ratings over 10.. overall very nice
3- Aeros.. ugly in some places nice in others not my style at all.. dont like the main map, the second was better..
4- Roboparks.. how boring.. nothing remotely different in any way.. sorry i dont like it.. kan ik ook niks aan doen he?
ok.. that sums it up.. and for the smart people --> (the whisper voice) they are in order
1) egypTopia - amazing! Great park overall and the rally cars were the crowning glory. This would have been my spotlight. Kudos to doing a whole park with one theme (something not seen to often)
2) DMA - Phenomenal in someplaces, too over the top in others for me. Close to Lichfield, but imo not quite as good.
3) Paradise Falls - Great debut for RCTU. Coasters were better than the theming and architecture in my opinion.
4) Pinewood Groves - Kind of bleh. Just didn't connect with this park. It was nice and worthy of a runner up, but I didn't see anything that really made me go wow.
Disneyland Mid-America: I loved this park so much. The entrance was a bit dull but main street was fantastic. Thunder Mountain was one of the best mine train coasters I have seen. I loved the little detail like the islands with the temple on it and the tree. Tommorrowland was fab I loved that resturant. the atlantis ride was another superb ride from you aero. Disney Imagi-Nation was a kickass park. The entrance with the Thought Bubble was great. Me loved the hollywood section I think you did that really well. Triton's Castle is fantastic since you could never recreate the actually Triton's Castle in RCT i think you have done it really well. the water rapids were done nicely. Tower of Terror Hotel was jaw dropping
Paradise Falls: Nice Ideas loved the waves. I agree with mantis on everything with this park.
The Pinewood Grove Resort: Nice average park the 1st map was better I liked Nevis's Giga, corkys duellers and Delta Fyler the theming was good.
And the Tower of Terror could have been made a lot more intricate.
About the terror of tower I just really liked the building more.
But the main reason I'm posting is to talk about the other runner ups. I spent some more time looking at these parks and I'm so glad I did. For awhile I was quite frustrated because nothing looked good to me anymore but I think I'm over that now. I'll add reviews of each of these 3 parks one at a time.
Disneyland Mid-America - Like all Aero parks, you really have to spend some time looking at the details to appreciate the brilliance of this park. There are just so many great ideas in this park. The Wright Bros. Flying machine, the space restaurant, the rotating transport 3000 hub, the atlantis submarine. But even when there aren't brilliant new ideas there's familiar elements mixed together in wonderful new ways. The thunder mountain layout is a testament to quality ride design from start to finish. Much of the architecture doesn't strike my fancy, overuse of the ugly castle theme I think, but obviously the rides and the theming are the important thing. I'm less enthusiastic about some of the dark rides like Indiana Jones which is pretty short and uninteresting and the Pirate ride which has too much of a jungle feel I think. Stormrider also looks awfully out of place. What this park lacks in elegance (which I will henceforce call the 'X-Sector effect
Pinewood Grove - I'm a little bit saddened by the 'lukewarm' response this park is getting. Just like DMA I sort of wrote this park off after glancing at it once but when I went back to really give it a good look it warmed my heart
Paradise Falls - Sorry guys, you'll have to wait a bit longer for this one. I need to do a little more inspecting to do it justice.
Coaster Ed- I have to say that i also, was very impressed with yor park. You did some things (ie, rally ride, luge) that i wanted to put into my parks. It's true that you have to look closely at DMA to see the little hidden things (example, did you see that i put in the ride mechanisms for Wright Bros.?) . I watched your park for awhile and the little things are what really impressed me. I loved how your luge machine took two runs to get through the loop, simply brilliant! I also try and look at the park from a perspective of "what would it be like to actually be there".
Regarding concerns:
- Stormrider - i put this ride in because i really liked the front facade i put in, the ride had less inspiration. I agree it isn't your typical Disney ride, but it has merit. What you don't see is what i see in my imagination. Think of being in this ride in blackness, wind, lightning and the sounds of rain surround you. These are things that i can't convey to you, but i see it.
-No roofs on attractions- I had to do it for my own sanity. I don't like haveing to make walls transparent to watch a ride. You will notice that i tried a sort of Cut-Away stratagy pertaining to the ride. sorry if that upsets the norm, but i felt it was batter suited for the ride.
-Triton's Castle- What building in RCT isn't just raised land with coaster pieces running through it. possibly 70% of NE parks use that style, so why the inquisition when i do it? It looks fantastic, and it doesn't contain any obscene objects (although i was thinking about it
-Maintenance- I really didn't try for that aspect, only cause some of the rides were impossible to maintain. Try useing the beast trainer to make the rides not break down, it helps.
That's about it, i'm glad many of you have liked DMA and hope you visit it often to find all the "little" details.
GuestSkully Offline
Triton's Castle, to me, looked like a poor imitation of Atlantis: The Lost Empire by NeViS. There was nothing to redeem it.
Disneylands Mid-America: A very Aero park. Areo theming, Areo architecture, Aero coasters, and Aero-realism. A fantastic park, and the best park to capture the Disney feel this good. I loved the detail in the theming and architecture (It's a small world), and only a few minor things bottered me. 9,3/10
Egyptopia: Coaster Ed does it again. He makes a stunning park that you just have to like. Brillant rally ride, great theming and architecture, but some slow coasters, just like Cedar Creek. Oh well, great park, but not as good as Cedar Creek! 8,9/10
Paradise Falls: I didn't really like this park, and I can't really desribe what I don't like about it. It just seemed a little un-organized in a way. 6,5/10
Pinewood Grove
I've been warming up to some Roberto Roboparks lately, after not having paid any attention to him at all for a long time. I can appreciate it more and more. Despite having no peeps, the park feels much more alive than most LL parks. There's plenty of fun to look at rides (the B&M invert duelers are cool) and cute little spots. This is not the type of park that you can enjoy by taking it apart and appreciating every individual element as something brilliant. Individually nothing stands out, but as a whole the park works very well. Reminds me of Watkins Woods a lot.
May as well comment on the other parks.
Paradise Falls
A few cool things like the hyper coaster with the giant waves, but overall this park doesn't come together. Everything is meh.
Disneyland Mid-America
Another park(maker) that I didn't pay a lot of attention to. I'm all about that Fatha/RRP/whoever style of parkmaking, but aero offers something completely different. Take the main street for example, with its inclusion of urban scenery objects. Despite having never been to a Disney park (and I don't intend to), you can tell that aero21 knows enough about Disney parks to create his own convincingly. Every building, ride and area clearly has a lot of thought and care put into it. Aesthetically it's not top notch, but the park won me over anyway. Great runner-up to Lichfield!