Park / Dez-Morais Amusements
- 09-July 03
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posix 60% 5dave 55% G Force 55% Ling 55% RWE 55% Scoop 55% Cocoa 50% Jaguar 50% Liampie 50% saxman1089 50% Sulakke 50% ][ntamin22 45% 52.50% - No fans of this park
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Drew Offline
Pym Guy Offline
RRP Offline
mantis Offline
I discussed them with Iris, but didn't post here.
Well, Tinted Shores was slightly scary at first, but once i'd got over the shock I liked it The green area was my favourite (i'm an eco-friendly bastard), but the Blue area had a certain sophistication (awesome fountain, man). I didn't like the way a lot of the architecture was repeated just in a different colour, but was appreciative of the variation you included otherwise. The treeing/shrubbing was very blitz-like, which I have to admit was quite refreshing. I'd like to see you do a mega-map (not necessarily, 256x256, but at least rct-mega sized) and really go for varying the architecture in each area, so it's not only the colours that change. Tinted Shores is a very good concept, but i'm not sure it'd work quite as well a second time. Move on to even greater things! Yay!
Six Flags Hoosier Station was a pleasant surprise. I thought some of the ideas were excellent (theming that reminded me of SFEC, which can only be a good thing). Well done, Titan, because it's enough of an achievement to win runner-up with a map that big, let alone make a convincingly realistic park that even a non-realism-specialist can enjoy.
I've yet to look at Junya's park, but i'll probably fit it in over my...oh...6 weeks holiday Lol, this weekend looks like a good time.
Blitz Offline
mantis Offline
Finally...Junya Boy's Dez-Morais Amusement Park (or however you spell it). Firstly i'd like to complain about the land in this park. If you zoom out as far as you can, hide scenery and hide rides, you are faced with what looks like the bottom of one of those meat-crushers. You know, the ones that look like this:
But without the added meat. Not only are the jagged rocks terminally-consistent, but they are also ALL AT THE SAME LEVEL! There is hardly anything in this park that I deem to pass as landscaping.
OK, now that's out of the way, I can say that the coasters were pretty cool (Moonlight Bay especially) and the buildings that were actually there were quite pretty. I'd like to see more buildings, more LANDSCAPING and generally more of everything. Particularly colour.
An average park with some good bits and some bad. I quite liked it, but was frustrated by some of its faults.
Well Done on the runner-up spot, though, Junya Boy!
Ablaze Offline
Haha, lol. I love the example mantis, you random legend. Mystilogica was quite a while back Gen, but if you wanna call it new as its my latest runner up thats fine. I am just hoping that Pine Springs and or Legendary Tales get somewhere.
Nic Offline
Good job!
Mike Robbins Offline
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