Park / Starpointe
30-September 13
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94.62%(required: 80%)
5dave 100% yes Airtime 100% yes geewhzz 100% yes Louis! 100% yes nin 100% yes Austin55 95% yes chorkiel 95% yes Coupon 95% yes Jonny93 95% yes Six Frags 95% yes Arjan v l 90% yes AvanineCommuter 90% yes Kumba 90% yes Liampie 85% yes pierrot 85% yes 94.62% 100.00% -
A Cedar Fair Entertainment Park
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those chairlift bits are amazing! i wonder who came up with that idea!?
@gee- just went back through the topic. says its from 4 years ago but it feels like just yesterday... I remember the first thing pac did that was notably good was the bucket/water play area.came from nowhere, man. now that I'm thinking, I remember robbie's first park over here too. hmm
I remember when BG and I wanted him to do a Guest Spot in World of Adventure and he built a station for our shoot the chutes ride, and it was pretty bad. I'm not sure where the file is anymore.
I think my favorite thing about this was watching you totally upgrade the waterpark. It was quite dull and ended up as one of the best ones the game has seen. Would have been nice if the more tricky slides and waverider were also peep friendly.
For a Cedar Fair park, this could not have been much better. Great job capturing that feel to near perfection. Still, it's not the hardest theme. I would love to see a full Disney or IoA style park like this. That's when I would break out the 100% score.
For me a 90% was right because it was a little to simple a formula, even if it was cooked up perfectly. I remember viewing it years ago when it was still around 75% Gold park level and still saw bits of that in it. Also shit... enough with my 1k ruins and water effects!?
Highlights for me:
- The waterpark
- Intimidator
- Rapids
- Entry
- Mini kiddie rides
- Go karts
- Car ride
At the end of the day, while I really enjoyed this park, it does not crack my top 5 and is likely around 7-10 somewhere. I think SFSF was a little better at this type of theme, but you were right on its heels with this. Please go a little more crazy and outside the box next time like your HK buddies did in H2H6.
Also a big congrats on the new highest AP rating! I know how good it feels to earn that... If not for Liam and pie going 85% you could have matched Kumba with all 90% or better votes
It's beautiful...
Haven't had the chance to download yet but the overview was stunning itself. Congratulations Justin, we all know how long you've been working on this.
*taps teaspoon against champagne flute*
Seriously though, where be pac?
The rapids ride is flawless.
100/100 all the way through.
I think he is punishing himself for getting spotlight with a park, that didn' earn spotlight according to him
IceKnight366 Fan Offline
I been waiting for this one for quite some time! Simply amazing... One of my favorite things about this park is it's flow. Everything seems to flow and fit together nicely. I could totally picture myself there.
. Thanks!
On a side note. I was trying to look at some of the objects in the editor and I was getting this, "This is a 'Ride' object and cannot be handled by this version of the editor." What version of the editor do you use to view these? Both 123 and 123d don't work
^ You'll need ridemaker for that.
I reinstalled the game for this. Wasn't disappointed.
This park is absolutely outstanding. I love the abandoned skyride station. Even before I saw the labeled track I knew that's what it was supposed to be. It's not easy to make something look like an abandoned skyride station but at the same time hide the fact that it's an abandoned skyride station enough to make it look like the park half ass covered it up (looking at you Cedar Point). when I saw that this park went from "great" to "my favorite park on NE". The level of detail is amazing.
Thank you everybody for the kindest of words. As many of you may know, I worked on this park for nearly 3 years. During that time I took part in a couple of contests and it was in H2H6 that I realized my potential with this game. After H2H had finished I came back to Starpointe realizing that the detail within it was not up to par of that of Disney's American Waterfront and Lijiang and it frustrated me greatly. Therefore, over the duration of the fall,winter, and spring of 2012/2013 I took the time to re work almost the entire park to complete it to a somewhat cohesive standard that I was pleased with. Over the spring of 2013 I discovered not only how to run RCT2 in windowed mode, but to stream as well which made it easy to receive instantaneous feedback from the community. I would therefore like to thank those who were present during the streams a great deal as you all provided constructive criticism that further enhanced me as a builder. Overall, Starpointe was a blast to build and I could not be happier with the final result and I have all of you to thank, especially CedarPoint6. Thanks again everybody!
no problem brah!
Airtime Fan Offline
So Pacman what now? Onto the next one I hope?
Favorite park I've ever seen man. You really captured Cedar Fair. Everyone's already said everything I'm feeling but there is one detail that hasn't been mentioned and probably my favorite...
The fireworks behind the stage!,,, I actually said wow when I saw those. Haha idk why that's the coolest thing to me. So many little details. I'll probably look at this park everyday for a while..
Justin really did pull all the stops with this. I'm impressed, to say the least.
This park made Casimir come back. Good job indeed!
I just had a chance to look at this, and I was not disappointed. Fantastic architecture and ride design throughout. My favorite areas were around White Water Canyon and all the water slides. Magnificent. 95% from me.