Park / Blefuscu

Park_2896 Blefuscu


  • Comment System%s's Photo
  • Wicksteed%s's Photo
    Hey, this is the first thing i've downloaded in a looong while.
    I liked the large open spaces alot and the landscaping and foliage in general. Everything else was solid work but not enough to get you design i guess. And wahts going on with that huge defensive wall just ending in the middle of nowhere?
    Good job anyway, also on making me open rct again!
  • Louis!%s's Photo
    I've always been a fan of large open spaces, and in this case, they were lovely. Possibly the reason why it wasn't seen by most as design quality. When you use open spaces you need to make sure there is enough content elsewhere, I feel the odd set of custom supporting, a few more buildings, a couple of flat rides/water rides/car rides would've gone down a treat.

    The queue building and station were fabulous.
  • Faas%s's Photo
    I liked the foliage, the architecture and the layout.

    I didn't like the atmosphere and the station/queue.
    I would have voted this 50%.
  • RMM%s's Photo
    i want some of what prod was drinking.
  • Arjan v l%s's Photo
    Maybe Prod's vote is a bit harsh, but still not entirely unjustified.

    Sorry Shotguns, but i think this was a step backwards compared to your previous releases.
    I didn't really like the design, it wasn't well thought of imo.
    Also brakes to adjust the velocity during the ride?!! :(

    All in all... you can do better than this.
    I hope your next release will be something inspiring again.
  • Xeccah%s's Photo
    My vision for this project, or lack thereof, was a simple re-entry from my PT4 slump, and it did it's purpose well. I thought this was going to be borderline, given on who voted, so I'm not disappointed in my works in any way.

    Hey, this is the first thing i've downloaded in a looong while.
    I liked the large open spaces alot and the landscaping and foliage in general. Everything else was solid work but not enough to get you design i guess. And wahts going on with that huge defensive wall just ending in the middle of nowhere?
    Good job anyway, also on making me open rct again!

    I've always been a fan of large open spaces, and in this case, they were lovely. Possibly the reason why it wasn't seen by most as design quality. When you use open spaces you need to make sure there is enough content elsewhere, I feel the odd set of custom supporting, a few more buildings, a couple of flat rides/water rides/car rides would've gone down a treat.

    The queue building and station were fabulous.

    I rather liked the composition, bar the spot of foliage near the entrance to the motion simulator. I felt the achilles heel so to say is the lack of clarity regarding theme. Thank you, by the way.

    I liked the foliage, the architecture and the layout.

    I didn't like the atmosphere and the station/queue.
    I would have voted this 50%.

    What did you not necessarily like about the atmosphere? Was it too open and bare for your tastes? Thanks for the input.

    i want some of what prod was drinking.

    Prod got home from a frat party and then voted, I'm sure. :p/>

    Maybe Prod's vote is a bit harsh, but still not entirely unjustified.

    Sorry Shotguns, but i think this was a step backwards compared to your previous releases.
    I didn't really like the design, it wasn't well thought of imo.
    Also brakes to adjust the velocity during the ride?!! :(/>/>

    All in all... you can do better than this.
    I hope your next release will be something inspiring again.

    Step backwards? In vision, I'd agree with you, and a lot of rides have trim brakes (which I added solely for rating purposes). Thanks.
  • Arjan v l%s's Photo
    Do rides really have trim brakes?!! That strikes me as very odd, almost as if the designer couldn't design the ride properly.
    My bad on that point then.
  • Louis!%s's Photo
    B&M pretty much make ALL their new coasters have a section of track where trim brakes can be installed if needed. Most of the time they are installed, sometimes they run, sometimes they don't.

    I'm pretty sure a lot of them are just used based on circumstances, for example in wet conditions, I know on Swarm, if the train is running at a higher speed due to the wetness the trim brake applies but in normal conditions it doesnt. It's all very technical and done with sensors and shit.

    I thought most people knew that. Ah well.

    Shogo, I'd say that yes I agree with you, the lack of theme clarity does harm somewhat. I think part of the theme clarity comes from naming the ride. This name, I have no idea wtf it is haha, and that doesn't help clarify what the theme is. Oh, I also thought the path layout could have been more interesting and interacted a bit more with the second half of the ride. But yeah, nice work buddy :)
  • csw%s's Photo
    Let's ask Wikipedia:

    Lilliput and Blefuscu are two fictional island nations that appear in the first part of the 1726 novel Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift. The two islands are neighbours in the South Indian Ocean, separated by a channel eight hundred yards wide. Both are inhabited by tiny people who are about one-twelfth the height of ordinary human beings.

    Now I think that the name would be more proper for an island theme. But maybe the point was to make the coaster loom over its surroundings, like Gulliver did on the island of little people.
  • Faas%s's Photo
    I don't usually have a problem with parks being open and bare. It's just that I couldn't see myself walking around there and having a good time.
  • Cocoa%s's Photo
    ^^I thought I recognized the name from gulliver's! Doesn't make a whole lot of sense though...
  • 56.15%(required: 65%)  Design Submission
    Percentage of vote: 56.15%
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    In:Cities 70%
    Maverix 70%
    chorkiel 65%
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    Pacificoaster 60%
    CedarPoint6 55%
    wheres_walto 55%
    zburns999 55%
    5dave 50%
    Jonny93 50%
    Arjan v l 45%
    pierrot 30%
    prodigy 20%
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