Park / Inselfieber
23-July 13
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Louis! 95% Airtime 80% Maverix 80% zburns999 80% nin 75% Liampie 70% prodigy 70% tyandor 70% Arjan v l 65% Pacificoaster 65% Wanted 60% CedarPoint6 55% geewhzz 55% wheres_walto 55% posix 50% 67.69% -
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I don't see RCT2 as a beauty pageant. It's not all about aesthetics. It's about creation and design, and sometimes something ugly is better than something superficially beautiful but empty. Like the dam in Disneylhand's Thunderclap: aesthetically not so pretty, but very nice in terms of realism and its placement within the park, adding to the atmosphere. And this can be achieved without CS, but since it's all opinion anyway, I'll let this die at we agree to disagree.
I'm sorry to bump something this old but I finally had a chance to look at this park and I wanted to let you know that I absolutely love it.
The dive coaster was probably my favorite part of the park. It was absolutely brilliant and really had the feeling of a container terminal. The boat and crane were brilliant. As I watched this coaster I couldn't believe it was NCSO.
Other stand-out areas included the volcano, the bridge near the volcano entrance and the buildings across from the boat hire. You didn't let the NCSO nature of the park hold you back at all... in all of these cases I questioned if it would have looked any better with custom scenery. Every one of these areas was flawless.
If I had to critique anything it would be the Santa Monica pier area which seemed very empty to me. As someone who's been to the Santa Monica pier this just didn't come close to capturing the same feel. The Santa Monica pier is very large with a ton of things to do and this pier was pretty empty except for the Carousel, the Ferris Wheel and a few small game booths.
Despite this minor critique, I really loved this park. It's my favorite NCSO park by far, and I'm very surprised that you didn't end up with a Gold for this. Great work!