Park / Inselfieber
23-July 13
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- Comments 61
67.69%(required: 60%)
Louis! 95% Airtime 80% Maverix 80% zburns999 80% nin 75% Liampie 70% prodigy 70% tyandor 70% Arjan v l 65% Pacificoaster 65% Wanted 60% CedarPoint6 55% geewhzz 55% wheres_walto 55% posix 50% 67.69% -
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EDIT: I thought the same Mavs, but again, just from the overview...
Yeah! After I saw this game
BigB Offline
since I'm familiar with this project from it's birth ( including the MCI "streamtime"),
it was pretty nice to follow how the parc became what it is now.
Ur NCSO style is imo the best I've seen around here since I'm registered, everything was clean, full of ideas and well executed.
I would have gone with Louis! !!!
It's a good park, and I think high silver is very accurate. It has some gold parts and some bronze mixed up.
So basically, to sum this up, I certainly don't think this park had the best layout or cohesion, the coasters were hit or miss (From the awesome RMC woody to the unfortunately-paced Intamin launcher), and the themed areas themselves were nothing new. The park really earned its 80% from me in the quality of the NCSO use, which is something I told myself I would never use as criteria for judging a submission, but hey, you got me.
Awesome stuff. The new gold standard in creative NCSO architecture, in my opinion. Totally worth the silver. Would have had no issues with it being a gold.
The wood coaster with the vertical drop and inversions was a lot of fun to watch. On top of that, the ride looked fantastic; great job on the supporting and surroundings.
Great great work, it just screams fun! This is the type of park the community has been missing lately in my opinion...a park that is built with fun, devotion, creativity, skill, inspiration, and the courage to try something new and break the rules. I really really like the map shape, it's so interesting and all the little ideas and things to look at make this so special in my opinion.
Congratulations, don't worry about silver/gold, just know that you've created a great park!
The park entrance was very lovely. Architecture was great throughout the park, definitely the best part of the park. I enjoyed the Tai Shan Express and Pachakamaq the most, as well as the castle. Stunning architecture on the castle, and great use of tracktitecture throughout. However, the Cannonball and Harbor Cruise weren't as amazing to me as the rest, the launcher especially.
All the hacks were amazing, expecially with all the invisible paths and huts, and the custom rides. I loved the volcano, as well as the hanging bridge and aqueduct. Nice little touches. But I felt as though the atmosphere was missing...the park didn't seem too friendly for some reason. Oh well, the park is very deserving of its score, and I enjoyed it. Overall favorite parts were the castle and the lighthouse/boat. And all the Asian architecture. Good park