Park / Sky Racer

Park_2866 Sky Racer


  • Midnight Aurora%s's Photo
    Hey, is it too late to needlessly pile on in this thread? I thought this kind of joke died a while ago, but I'm glad to see it's still funny to point out that some of the releases aren't that good. That will make it so much easier to pretend I'm funny and have people like me.
  • Arjan v l%s's Photo
    Edited: Enough bullshit, i guess.


    As you've noticed by the score and comments, we take this game very serious.
    For a first try? Sure, why not something simple like this...
    If your plans are to take this game very serious, then improvement is needed.
    If you just want to build stuff and don't want to take this game too serious, you might better submit it non-competitive, or not at all.
    It'll save you (most of) the sarcastic replies.
  • Mattk48%s's Photo
    All the supports "holding" up the coaster are looking at the one on the right saying, "go away brad! Nobody likes you"
  • Faas%s's Photo

    As you've noticed by the score and comments, we take this game very serious.

    Speak for yourself man.
  • posix%s's Photo
    MA, the light you shine is so bright ...
  • Arjan v l%s's Photo

    Speak for yourself man.

    I'm speaking for myself (my vote), so what's the deal?
    And most users around here take this game serious, so?...
  • Scott.S%s's Photo
    So someone who is inexperienced submits something and the go-to reaction is to mock the shit out of the submission and make fun of them? Seriously?
  • nin%s's Photo
    Welcome to New Element.
  • inthemanual%s's Photo

    So someone who is inexperienced submits something and the go-to reaction is to mock the shit out of the submission and make fun of them? Seriously?

    The mockery comes from it being submitted competitively while not being up to snuff. If he had just submitted this non-competitively, he probably would have received very few comments, and they would have most likely been helpful rather than mocking.
  • Scoop%s's Photo
    yah guys he's new give him a break.
  • RMM%s's Photo
    at first glance i couldn't see why this wasn't on the front page, then it was clear... Louis sat this round out.
  • csw%s's Photo
    Shots fired!
  • Ling%s's Photo
    Louis when he sees this thread:

    Posted Image
  • gir%s's Photo
    Ling, I hatelove it when I start laughing to myself in a quiet office. Thanks.
  • Jimmy Lethal%s's Photo
    Probably beating a dead horse here, but ohgod. This is hilarious.
  • RMM%s's Photo

    Probably beating a dead horse here, but ohgod. This is hilarious.

    a dead unicorn pony, maybe.
  • Arjan v l%s's Photo
    ^^ Are you friends with 111120000 whatever?

    ^ Always love your attitude. :D
  • 8.46%(required: 65%)  Design Submission
    Percentage of vote: 8.46%
    Coupon 25%
    Jonny93 15%
    Arjan v l 10%
    CedarPoint6 10%
    In:Cities 10%
    Liampie 10%
    Loopy 10%
    Pacificoaster 10%
    Wanted 10%
    zburns999 10%
    BelgianGuy 5%
    prodigy 5%
    tyandor 5%
    Maverix 0%
    nin 0%
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