Park / Tussaud's Magical Kingdom
11-July 13
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67.69%(required: 60%)
Wanted 90% nin 85% Liampie 80% Loopy 75% Louis! 75% Airtime 70% Arjan v l 70% Fizzix 70% CedarPoint6 65% Maverix 65% 5dave 60% Pacificoaster 55% tyandor 55% wheres_walto 55% BelgianGuy 50% 67.69% -
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Nice to see you back man, always loved your parks and it looks good and nostalgic already from the overview. I'll check it out soonish..
I've been thinking about the detailing too recently. It basically forced me into a big parkmaker block since I completed the entrance of my PT park. It really is a tedious job nowadays with all the micro things you have to do in order to have it look good to today's standards. I guess it's nice to builds park like this now and then for variation and to ease up a bit on the uber detailing. Heck, I'm gonna do it now
Lovely park, man. Can we expect more?
edit: You might consider cutting Bays of Tropica into a couple of designs. Just because it deserves a proper release.
I enjoyed reading through the attached readme. If only more people could make peace with the game like that.
The park is exactly what you described: peep-friendly, vibrant and busy, in a good way. It reminded me of the excitement I used to feel when walking through full size parks, starting with a proper entrance like yours. It also reminded me of my Alton Towers visit ages ago. I would hope you might enjoy doing another project following the conviction to ignore all the hasslesome labour the "competitive game" entails.
As feedback, I would suggest to perhaps consider making your parks just a little less busy. I realise business was your goal, and although I'm suspecting my high display resolution, I was sometimes overwhelmed with all the features you created. While they all looked inspired and interesting, I sometimes had a hard time taking them in completely, which was a shame.
On Bays of Tropica: I would just send it in unfinished as it is, and close that chapter once and for all.
fucking love you
Don't get me wrong, this is a great park. I love the atmosphere and it looks really fun. I guess that's what the purpose of the park was...but I just didn't think the >85% votes are fitting. * Also, I love the Apocalyptica area. Favorite part of the park by far.
I like the park (rightfully deserves silver in my opinion), I would just like to hear from the higher opinions. It definitely looks like a charming park with plenty of imagination and skill applied. The layouts (except for the Nemesis-like invert) weren't great for me. Architecture looks ok. Foliage was good at times and lacking at other times. I think the atmosphere and general park flow is what I like most about it. Overall, great park that certainly merits a silver accolade. Congrats and well done.
EDIT: Oh, and great logo again, nin.
Also funny how you consider this to be a pure fantasy park. I'd rather class it as semi-realism. It's just a traditional themepark with some wild layouts and excessive theming... That doesn't make it fantasy.
Anyway the park is not of the highest quality technique wise, but it is definitely fun to look at. The park just breathes fun. That said I also got my hands on a more recent version of BoT (will message you about that soon X) which will be indeed hard to finish (50% I estimate), but seriously, the quality of that one is still stellar (imo we're talking 90%+ spotlight here). These two parks have something in common. Something I've been missing in a lot of work lately. Everything is just so deliciously unorthodox and in a good way too.
My favorite in this park is definitely the mine train coaster
1. Opinions vary. Just because you would vote it 65/70, doesn't mean others will.
2. How do you consider this a 'fantasy' park lmao
3. While I shouldn't have to explain my vote to anyone, I will because this park is beautiful. When I first open a park, I like to imagine myself being there. The ride entrances are fantastic. The bridges are great. The coaster/path interactions are amazing. The path edges with the water are perfect. The coaster layouts are unique.
Basically I gave this park a 90 because it's a breath of fresh air to the stale repetitiveness I see on this site.
I'll completely echo Wanted's sentiments. What made this park special to me was just how much I could totally imagine being there. I could see myself standing next to Terminal X's vertical loop; I could see myself staring above the rocky facade and watching a Dragon train launch through the castle; I could see myself catching a glimpse of White Knight above the surrounding architecture, and then seeing it in full force tearing through the wilderness from the sky ride; I could see myself relaxing on a bench as Chariots of Fire circled the Colosseum. Just too much awesome interaction in this park. Every area was great, every coaster was great, and every ride and stall had a purpose. To me, this park proves something I've always believed: NCSO is not really a style of building. It's just a choice of how to build. When you do "NCSO" right, you shouldn't really notice that the whole park is comprised entirely of game-given items. It should be irrelevant, as the composition of the park itself is really what matters.
Anyway, this is the best accolade released here in a year or more, in my opinion. So glad to see you back, X250. Total blast from the past, and well worth the wait. My only question at this point though, is what ever happened to that one park you were working on? I remember a viking themed log flume, among other things.
Thanks for all the comments, I am surprised myself that the park got a silver medal, looking at some of the incredible stuff produced nowadays I was worried that it might be a bit old fashioned and unconventional. When building I was always conscious of how it would feel to be in a particular space, I always find it important for a roller coaster or tracked ride to interact with the pathways as much as possible- theres nothing worse than an incredible twister coaster built on a flat, dirt terrain. It is just such a missed opportunity!
The park was loads of fun to build, I'd love to build another but I'm in my final year of University, which I anticipate is going to be pretty heavy-going. I always come back to the game every now and then an pop in on NE on occasion to check out the latest releases- I guess I'll have to become more active on the forums again! As for BoT (the park with the Viking log flume @zburns99), I'm really unsure what to do, I'm going to have a think about it, its just such a large park and the details are pretty small. Then again, when looking back at it, it could easily be finished with a few months of persistent gameplay, plus I think Tyandor will kill me if I don't...
By the way, what does NCSO mean?
Welcome back, brah, and congrats on the silver.
Great atmosphere and really cool rides.
Only thing to complain about is the layout for the wooden coaster.
It seems a bit boring to me :/