Park / Cocoas Unfinished Parks 2013

Park_2805 Cocoas Unfinished Parks 2013 Park_2805 Cocoas Unfinished Parks 2013 Park_2805 Cocoas Unfinished Parks 2013 Park_2805 Cocoas Unfinished Parks 2013 Park_2805 Cocoas Unfinished Parks 2013 Park_2805 Cocoas Unfinished Parks 2013 Park_2805 Cocoas Unfinished Parks 2013


  • pierrot%s's Photo
    love it <3
  • trav%s's Photo
    It looks good but you're definitely still staying in your comfort zone, it looks a lot like all your other stuff.
  • Turtle%s's Photo
    You've got the best use of colour in the game at the moment. So fantastic, adventurous, and a brilliant atmosphere. I'd still love to work with you at some point.
  • highroll3r%s's Photo
    i like it. still your colours are awsome. few things i can crit. the jagged rocks can be placed better imo. the 1k pole on the building looks a bit flimsy. id add some more support for it. the path on the top dining section can be different. atm because its the same type as used at ground level it breaks up the building in a bad way. the right center of the screen is a bit cramped. this is because you wanted to have a seating area on te water. i suggest maybe re-working that to create more space around that part of the building. one last thing. those quatered block stairs need 1 more block to look accessible, maybe add a gate too. overall though its nice.
  • BelgianGuy%s's Photo
    I suggest a different path type for the rooftop seating area, because now you have the same type on ground level and makes it a little confusing..., the rest is ace!
  • Louis!%s's Photo

    Posted Image

    continuing on with that project I started in that last screen. sort of a tropical bar thing.

    Bringing it over...

    Great screen, great use of colour (as always). I think there are a few too many signs though, and the signs themselves I think are out of place, the lattice arches don't really work for me. But a great screen.
  • posix%s's Photo
    Spacious multi-storey buildings are always so full of win. Also extremly vibrant, as always. Good stuff. What kind of project?
  • BC(rct2)%s's Photo
  • Ruben%s's Photo
    Wow. Maybe just a tad too flashy for my taste, but véry nice architecture.

    Only thing: As trav said, still well inside your comfort zone. I'd love to see you do something totally new, I think your skill + a daring new approach would equal instant epic win. Try it! ;)
  • J K%s's Photo
    I don't think it's your best work but it definitely showcases your skill as a builder. Can't wait to see more.
  • Cocoa%s's Photo

    What kind of project?

    Medium to small sized park. Layout a little reminiscant of phantasialand mixed with disney.
  • Cocoa%s's Photo
    So yeah, I've just been doing some random LL stuff recently that I know I will probably never do anything more with, so why not show a few pictures while I'm at it. enjoy

    First two screens are from some experiments to see if I could get some nice Mexican stuff going.

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    Now here's what came of an idea I had to make a good steamship, but I didn't really figure out what to use for the decks. I suppose I could not use monorails and use something a full tile wide instead, but I really just liked the smokestacks.

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    And finally some stuff I made just to get back into the game

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    Also! I forgot! Aren't you lucky? I couldn't be bothered taking pictures of this one relatively dead end thing I was working on so just have the whole file, I guess. Maybe at some point I could imagine returning to it, but its a bit disjointed and weird. Originally I wanted to do a park based on Israel.
    Attached File  israel3.SV4 (290.47KB)
    downloads: 108
  • Liampie%s's Photo
    You know you're welcome in my secret park with all ideas that you didn't or won't finish yourself.
  • posix%s's Photo
    It is pretty random indeed. Liking the beginnings of that ship though.

    So is all of that from one map? You could submit it as an unfinished project?
  • Cocoa%s's Photo
    nah its from scattered maps. the only complete enough one to warrant an unfinished release is the israel one, but I'd rather not have it on my parkmaker page honestly :p I will probably use some of these things a different time anyway
  • Liampie%s's Photo
    I like Mexico more than Israel, to be honest. Israel looked more generic, and Mexico has a great warm atmosphere.

    I think our LL styles will blend well. At least you're probably the only active LL'er with similar aesthetics.
  • Cocoa%s's Photo
    send me over your park sometime, and I'll see what I can do :D
  • Milo%s's Photo
    have my babies
  • Cocoa%s's Photo
    I know showing screens is usually death for my projects but I'll give this one a shot.

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  • highroll3r%s's Photo
    wow. thats a really nice screen. love the colours. im not sure on the pathing. maybe youve used too many types. peeps would add so much atmo here. i hope you continue this. :mantis: