Park / Vogelvallei
10-June 13
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And nin, the logo is awesome!
To anyone: Seriously... what happened over the years?
I've noticed that certain styles and approaches are the set rules over at NE nowadays.
It even seems like if i'd build a park according to these rules, i might catch a spotlight much easier than if i'd stick to my own style.
All i see is that the new members are encouraged the same way, wich is building according to these rules.
So members will start to mimic work of others, otherwise they wouldn't be accepted.
This kills innovation somewhat, there surely will be innovation, but it could be so much more if people where more open minded.
No offense to anyone, it's just how i feel about it atm.
Wicksteed Offline
there has always been a "NE style". but it has changed througout the years. Why has it changed? Because of innovation. I dont see how there would be less innovation nowadays.
I for one don't blame the fact that you look at the park from your own point of view and preferences, after all you are the one that does the reviewing.
What does bother me however is that you say stuff like I show 'some' skill and it was a 'decent' little park. Like you are the good samaritan that still likes my park even if I don't spend my time doing stuff I hate doing (hacking away entrance huts and naming trackitacture (seriously?!)).
But thanks again for reviewing this, I knew people that build in the style you build would like it less than others, but the most important thing for me is that I like building it.
Like I said it's not about the fact that you give your opinion on the park, I know it's not the best in the world. It's about the way in which you give your opinion. You can not decide for me if I was lazy and you are not in the position to say this was an easy way of scoring an accolade because I already handed the coaster in as a design. You didn't even see the design (do you only check out the things that actually win an accolade?) It was almost like you were a Roman emperor in an arena of RCT, deciding my faith as an RCT-gladiator when I was on my knees, facing you. I am however not a gladiator and you're no emperor, you're just better at playing this game.
As for the others , thanks for the replies and the kind words.
You're right, that's me. I am the chosen one.