Park / Loderndlöwen
- 30-May 13
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posix Offline
This was pretty likable. I want to know how you did Maelstrom. I really have no idea how. Btw, I guess the name is German? It would then have to be "Lodernde Löwen", but who cares.
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Cocoa Offline
][ntamin22 Offline
One of my first coasters was the Racer at Kennywood, and I remember puzzling over how I kept ending up in the other station for weeks. I suppose we don't see mobius-style coasters done anymore because of maintenance concerns; if one side of a two-track dueler breaks down you can still run the other, you can run them asynchronized without worrying about what the other station is doing, etc.
Maelstrom is a separate ride for each vehicle, hence the names. Simply set the rides to Intense Mode, pause game + put them all on test to synch them, unpause game. The stations and ent/exits were sunk with codex; you could either leave them underground and set up some path to allow them to be repaired (though you would lose synch when they broke down without some additional hackrobatics) or clone them into oblivion, though that way lies error trappers.
For some reason I had an attachment to the stylized, single-word name; I imagined the park merketing team deciding it would be snappier for logos, be more distinctive, etc. I'm glad it it still makes enough sense to be understandable, and who doesn't love alliterative names? />
Cocoa - I went back and forth on the rails; I finally decided to color them to make it easier for viewers, particularly people who won't d/l but only see the overview, to follow the different tracks.
Austin55 Offline
csw Offline
Unrelated to this submission, I've submitted 2 things over a month ago and they're still pending...anybody else?
][ntamin22 Offline
Thanks for the feedback. /> Most woodies are one shade of brown; I opted for the light/tan color, as the coasters are supposed to represent two fighting lions. You definitely make a good point, though- I'm decidedly a "blender," not a "highlighter" when it comes to coasters. If they don't hug the terrain something always feels off to me. I'm working on opening up that aspect of my parkmaking. These duelers actually have the biggest separation between the lift and the ground below of anything I've built in the past ... 3 years?