Park / La Vitesse

Park_2732 La Vitesse


  • Comment System%s's Photo
  • dawidox%s's Photo
    Thanks for your vote, guys. I didn't expect to win a design anyway, yet I wan't to submit this as a design attempt. I just restarted playing RCT a few months ago and I wanted to see how you'd like this. I would pretty much appreciate some criticism. I thought it was a decent Layout (nothing brand new, but still I think well executed). Maybe you guys can give me some clues what I could've done better.

    Auf Wiedersehen
  • Mattk48%s's Photo
    I haven't looked at this in game, so this is just from the overview. The layout is ok is places, but overall it's kind of awkward. I like the placement of the large loop and the brake run. The double corkscrew doesn't work there, and I don't like how the layout comes all the way back around to the right side of the screen before its finishes. Your path doesn't work with your landscape, and other than the station the buildings look generic. This has some good parts, I think you might get a design on your next entry. Will look at this in game when I get home
  • dawidox%s's Photo
    Thanks for your words Matt. I know what you mean concerning the buildings. I am not (yet) very creative with architecture, especially since this was my very first CSO attempt.
    The Station building was an interpretation of Dimi's Marrons Chauds Station. This was supposed to look like a little Suisse village, which I think didn't work very well. As I said earlier, I didn't expect too much.
  • Maverick%s's Photo
    Based only on the picture: don't like the two heartline rolls, the corkscrews should be higher without brakes right before them. I would suggest having more vertical movement in the 2nd half of the ride.
  • Jonny93%s's Photo
    I think this was pretty solid for your first submission.
    Try to work out the theming a bit better, because it doesnt like a swiss village actually. For me its very helpful to watch throught some other parks in the database to understand it better how to theme structures.
    If i remember correctly the pace of the coaster was a bit to slow.
  • dawidox%s's Photo
    @Maverick: I thought those two heart line Rolls would be a good idea - but maybe I should leave them out next time.
    @Jonny: Well I somehow think, that the little alleys around the Q, looked pretty cool, yet I am sure that all in all it doesn't look very "swissish". I tried to get inspiration by Dimi's Marrons Chaud but I somehow only worked with the Station I think. Anyway, I am glad to her that you consider this a pretty solid first submission,
    thanks to you two
  • Fisch%s's Photo
    Nice to have another German here.
    I think this definitely shows potential but there are also a lot of things you can improve on.

    First of all I really like the setting, you tried to do more than just a generic parking lot coaster (little dig here at the rest of the community), and that was a good decision. It's more difficult to pull off but definitely pays of to really try and incorporate the coaster into the landscape. Maybe you should've still pulled this idea further though. Next time really think how you can create the best possible interaction between landscaping and coaster. Let it dodge rock formations, maybe let it fly through canyons, let it surf on the water or stuff like that.

    Then some technical things. For B&Ms you should generally use a pre drop right after the lift hill and only build 1 mid course brake section. The little brake before the corkscrews is kinda awkward. Also Definitely don't do that Loop->Zero-G-Roll combo again because like this it'd knock people out. Too much G-Force, too quick after the loop, and it shouldn't be on the same height as the bottom of the loop either. If anything let the track rise up first and then put a 0-G-Roll.

    Your architecture and your foliage will get better the more you practice and the more you play the game. But again I really think this is a good start and it shows great potential for your upcoming projects.

    Keep up the good work bro!
  • dawidox%s's Photo
    Thanks Fisch. You're very right, my interaction with the environment could have been much better - thanks for your hinds regarding following possible submissions.
    Since it is a consider a very weak part in the coasters layout, I'd like to comment on the break shortly before the corkscrew - I forgot to undo them, because (if you watch this in game you will notice) they aren't even necessary, and don't slow down the trains. This is totally my fault.
    The first drop and big loop are just the same as in Kumba's KUMBA design. I see what you mean concerning the Zero-G-LOOP Combination, I already thought that this would be pretty brutal in reality, yet I liked the idea and the "flow" of this structure.

    @all: I was wondering how the red building with the green roofs would be accepted, because I liked it actually. Same thing with the Rail-Station (except for the awkward Rooftop) The Rest of the buildings where just there for the heck of it.

    Thanks for each comment and I glad you guys still enjoyed this, though it was far from a Design winner.

    Auf Wiedersehen
  • Version1%s's Photo
    Just looked into this. I'm not the best CSO player (in fact I'm horrible) but I do know something about layouts.

    I think your problem is, that you try to build something "cool". And from this point of view, the two rolls over the lift hill seem to be a good idea. But they actually destroy the flow of the Coaster. Know you have a very fast roll and a rather slow roll in your B&M Coaster (even when B&M's rarely have rolls like this).
    The same thing with the interlocking corcscrews. You had to brake the train at some random point just to get the right speed and you have that huge turnaround, just to have this element in a coaster. Try to look at real B&M's and learn from that. I know, it's not the most "special" thing if you just build what B&M builds, but there is a reason B&M builds it that way. Interlocking Corcscrews for example are best used as the last element of the coaster, right after the last brake run, because this way you already have the right speed and you have another block-section for more capacity.
  • dawidox%s's Photo
    Danke Stefan, I appreciate your comment! So you'd say that an interlocking corkscrew would never look like that? (I really didn't think about that in the first place).

    Auf Wiedersehen bei Version1 goes big!;)
  • Version1%s's Photo

    Danke Stefan, I appreciate your comment! So you'd say that an interlocking corkscrew would never look like that? (I really didn't think about that in the first place).

    Auf Wiedersehen bei Version1 goes big!;)/>

    Yeah, i think the turn connecting the two corcscrews is a little to big. Take a look into "Kumba" (by Kumba) to see how it's done.
  • 41.92%(required: 65%)  Design Submission
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