That looks pretty nice my only suggestion would be to break up that path a little with some foliage or something as theres quite a lot of it at the minute.
I like the building facades - simple, but realistic and effective. The main problem is the area of paving in front. I'd certainly break it up with some foliage. The screen is in desperate need of some greenery. And I'd maybe do something else with that sign - put it on one of the buildings for example?
The building in screen #3 (the last one in the first post) looks like total forced crap. Everything else looks pretty good however. As has been said the new screen needs some folidge. I think some nice 1-tile deep gardens of 1/4 tiles plants and shrubs along the base of a facade is in order; along with some full tile (but still reasonibly short) trees out a couple tiles in front of the ticket booths.
Demolish the one building (it's not worth trying to save, believe me), and add some plants and you're well on your way to a winner. Oh yes, and I did notice the backbone you added to the B&M there, nice attention to detail.
that last screen is probably the least atmospheric screen I've ever seen. The boring ground floor facade stretching across all the buildings and the horrible coloured, over expansive path just sucks any life from it whatsoever. And there doesn't appear to be any way into those ticket booths.
The other screens are much better, but I generally agree with Ride6
Definitely needs foliage. Those screens are very bare. Not really liking the footers for the impulse coaster, or the supports overall. They look a bit flimsy, and it looks like not many of those supports are connected. And, not a good idea to let your guests actually walk under the fucking track, because if this were real life, their heads would get chopped off as the train goes by. Architecture is pretty nice though. Keep it up.
In reply to footers/supports I've had to work with what I've got in the workbench.
Foliage is to be added.
If this was in real life the peeps would have to be about 10 - 15ft tall to be hit by that train.
I like're developing a nice style man. But yeah, like dave said, you should add some foliage in that area. You could also vary a little bit on the structure and style of your buildings; it looks way to repetitive otherwise.
EDIT: oh, there's going to be foliage in that area...ok, the I guess, that there's not another suggestion.
Even if this is a fantasy park, i do think that the Impulse over the path is a little...well, risky. Who knows, maybe it'll look beter if it's all over water, not just the spike.
I think those supports are a little too thin for the coaster. Something thicker would be better. I dont reall like how the coaster goes over the path but, its your work so you can do what you like with it.
MUCH better. I'm loving it as well. The only thing that kinda picks at me is how the land under the water just falls out. Other than that, much, much better.
^Screen unfinished.
Edited by Pineapple, 15 June 2007 - 02:09 AM.
Other than that I love it.
Demolish the one building (it's not worth trying to save, believe me), and add some plants and you're well on your way to a winner. Oh yes, and I did notice the backbone you added to the B&M there, nice attention to detail.
The other screens are much better, but I generally agree with Ride6
Mexicana - 100% Complete
Caribe Plaza - 80% Complete
Area Underconstruction - 5% Complete
OVERALL PARK - 70% Complete.
Complete Full Screen
Almost Complete
Edited by zodiac, 05 May 2007 - 10:07 AM.
Foliage is to be added.
If this was in real life the peeps would have to be about 10 - 15ft tall to be hit by that train.
EDIT: oh, there's going to be foliage in that area...ok, the I guess, that there's not another suggestion.
I love it!