If you ever want to revisit this again, I think the layout is very cookie cutter, but clean. The turn after the small loop is for some reason my favorite part, swooping turns at speed are always pretty cool. I think your color choices are pretty much the same if you compare this to Dusk. Having said that, and knowing the panel doesn't know who made it if you submit this, finishing it could work well. If you were lacking a theme, I think a traditional midway style could work. I know Raptor at Cedar Point probably wouldn't win an accolade here, but maybe a boardwalk midway like we've seen in Coupon's Baker Lake screens or maybe something along the lines of Robbie's Comet. I know there is a rocky interaction on the corkscrew turnaround, but no worries there.
I had a lot of really bad problems getting a realistic number of storage tracks working, and the path network would simply never interact well. I really liked the layout, but it will never work in a completed project because the part around the station is simply too compact.
And it's my understanding that the panel does know who submits something, but after they sign on to work on it. The file is, after all, named after the user who submitted it. The point others were making in the thread for Rei was that they don't specifically go after people because they do not know before agreeing to vote on something who created it. Since the maps come later, I assume only the name and perhaps submission date are displayed.
This is a decent layout, Ling. My only suggestion is to change the dive loop to an Immelman and move that and the loop to the other side of the station. This should free up the space around the station a bit.
And it's my understanding that the panel does know who submits something, but after they sign on to work on it. The file is, after all, named after the user who submitted it. The point others were making in the thread for Rei was that they don't specifically go after people because they do not know before agreeing to vote on something who created it. Since the maps come later, I assume only the name and perhaps submission date are displayed.