Park / The Escapist Experience
08-February 13
The Escapist Experience
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- Comments 34
80.38%(required: 70%)
Dimi 90% yes Casimir 85% yes Fizzix 85% yes posix 85% yes Wanted 85% yes 5dave 80% no Goliath123 80% no Jonny93 80% yes Kumba 80% yes Loopy 80% yes pierrot 80% yes Roomie 80% no geewhzz 75% no Airtime 70% no Louis! 65% no 80.38% 60.00% -
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I thoroughly enjoyed this park. I'm no Ll expert, but I couldn't fathom how much i was rapt into each theme. My favorites for sure are New Eden and King Autumn's Court. So much color and life. Loved the station for the invert, and Gaia's Garden was good fun to watch. Loved the small details like Crusoe's Cooking Corner and all of the trackitecture awnings over benches, etc. The game stall were fun to see as well.
The coaster design was less than perfect, to say the least. I did find Nomad and Autumnal Breeze pretty, though. I loved the first drop/final brakes on the invert. Really well done area. Really wasn't a fan of Ibiza's coaster, especially toward the end.
I just really enjoyed escaping. And that is exactly what the park was intended for correct? Well done, Liampie.
Grats Liam. You deserved more here.
But to summarise it all up, my opinions were:
Ibiza - Gold material (75%)
Sana'a - Spotlight material (85%)
King Autumn's Court - Spotlight Material (80%)
New Eden - Gold material (70%)
Techniclitoclan (Idk lol) - Silver material (60%)
Averages out around 75% so that would have been my vote and no to Spotlight.
I'll give a detailed review in a few days.
Anyway, great work Liam, nice throwback to the old days kinda.. Love the atmosphere you managed to achieve
Really a great park Liam. Should have got spotlight imo. I loved the way you used the tops of shops for games and things.
From the overview alone this is beautiful and exactly the style of park that I think the site needs in order to get a breath of fresh air. I hate how so many of the parks these days are rather "simulation" parks than own creations...what I want to see is not how people recreate a Six Flags in this game but how they put their own creativity into rct and use the games' tools as their palette for their very own piece of art instead of a park that copies its real life counterpart. That might have sounded overly romantic but I have really been missing this type of parkmaking involving creativity, thought and good planning, and the actual ability to let peeps, scenery, and rides interact.
Good job and congrats!
You'd have spotlight in the bag in my opinion if you would have changed a bit of colors around in that jungle area.
Really? That's great. I'd love to see it.
I agree! Lots of parks nowadays, however accurate or detailed, have become boring... I hope I can inspire other players to dive into atmospheric parkmaking.
Yeah, if we can't get the actual video to work, the audio is perfectly fine so I can just send you the audio and you can try follow it round yourself.
I only spotted two errors.
"The main ride is a Discovery of Tenochtitlan, an interactive river ride."
"a" should be capitalized if it's part of the ride name or taken out if it isn't.
"It's not unlikely that Liam will receive quite a few votes for top duel player now. "
and this is was just confusing:
"Boy nearly messed around and won an NE Spotlight with his fantastic LL solo, "The Escapist Experience.""
It would be better phrased "Boy messed around and nearly won an NE Spotlight..."