Its a nice park, deserving of its number 7 slot. The dueling inverters were amazing, i did what you suggested in the readme and it works like a charm, they were synchronised all the way to the end.
Very good stuff. I was amazed by the whole thing, my faviorate part was the entrance to Kudu Canyon, great piece of theming that. IMO the most impressive entry so far, it was a great example of 'good execution' and atmosphere. Well done!
Very nice! I personally really enjoyed the inverts on the most part.........apart from that second lift hill bit. The entry was very well done, especially in landscaping terms.
A good park atmosphericly and all but I really couldn't get into it. The majority of the park was way to plain and other then the Birds inverted duelers the coasters weren't particularly good either. The archetecture, while being good in form and exicution, is repetitive. I can't see this as a top ten finish personally.
I really did like all the buildings with the little pole enhancements etc, but it didn't grab me as much as Epica did. Still, a really nifty park - but Candlelight Times is still my favourite thing from you.
Good park Evil WME. The entrance area was very well done with great architecture and theming. I loved your use of bushes and poles throughout the created a great atmosphere. The duelers were cool and I could tell you spent a lot of time on them. The mine ride was not nearly as good however; it just looked like you put it in there because you needed a space filler. I also did not like the landscaping overall, imo there were just too many 'rocks' sticking out everywhere. Most of the architecture in the park was very well made and looked great but there were a few buildings here and there that were sub-par to the others. Good job and I hope to see more of your rct2 work in the future.
I have never been a huge fan of your work Evil WME, but judging by the overall map on the Pro Tour page I thought you might have converted me using RCT2. Upon inspection, the park was okay. The whole beam-covered-in-plants thing could have worked out well, but came out average in my opinion. The Duelers were okay, but I was not feeling the name. "Furious Birds" was an average name, but naming one of the tracks "Blue Bird", a very non-threating bird of North America (and probably other parts of the world) didn't strike fear into my heart. "Sunshine Africa" was a very cool skyride that went into some intresting places. I think it might have been slightly overdone, but it doesn't hurt the park that much. The architecture (minus the plants) and the landscaping in this park were great! I think I've seen a lot of improvment in that area. I know you'll come up with a big winner soon.
I've only downloaded two parks this entire contest, one of them being yours. I absoloutley loved this park, easily one of my favorite pieces of work to date. Those inverts were just amazing, the timeing, the foilage, the layouts, everything, amazing. I like your style of architecture, maybe it's just the brick walls, but I thought it was very tasteful. However, one thing that wasn't as good as the rest of the park (in my opinion) was the water coaster, it just didn't appear to be anything amazing, how ever it was good/decent. Great job.
Congrats on this.
Wow. This was fucking amazing...defo. one of my favorite things to ever see in RCT2.
Corkscrewed Offline
thx for all the positive comments
A good park atmosphericly and all but I really couldn't get into it. The majority of the park was way to plain and other then the Birds inverted duelers the coasters weren't particularly good either. The archetecture, while being good in form and exicution, is repetitive. I can't see this as a top ten finish personally.
It was a very nice park.