A lot of people (myself included) underestimated Evil WME's RCT2 ability. When he showed his screen shot I was expecting somewhere in the top 15 finish, but he really proved me wrong in the end with this entry. While I never really fell in love with it the way Pyro, vTd, or Toon did, I do appreciate all that it is. The park is one of a kind truly, the 'muddy' architecture is such a nice change from everything else, really makes the park contrast from the generic 'themed' parks. It has it's own feel, a rugged, adventerous type of atmosphere throughout it that makes the park exciting to explore. The dueling inverted coasters are a great touch, with several near misses, and beautiful theming and landscaping to interact with the coaster. My only gripe with the park is the right side of it, although there is a great liquid coaster, it's much more bare and leaves lots left to be desired in my opinion, but perhaps the subtlely of it hasn't quite hit me yet. Congratulations Evil WME, as you prove to be one of the biggest dual-game threats in the entire site.
Well, I didn't reall look at the park, mostly because it never got my attention. I just took small glimpses of everything and didn't really like anything about it. Sorry to say that.
Some of the barren parts were o.k. but I thought it was a little too plain in most areas. The only thing I really liked were the dueling inverts.
I'll look at it more later on, maybe then it will start to grow on me.
I think the timing on the duelers would have been better if there had been fewer trains, say 2 instead of 4. That wouldn't change the loss of momentum in the brake runs, however. Anyway, the coasters had some thrilling near misses.
I guess I'm just going to have to get used to those portculis doors. Besides that, I thought the architecture was quite nice. Consistent yet with some cool individual touches to various buildings. The mine train is a nice touch, though the landscape there is a bit sparse.
The tower with the elvator is well done, but it's tough to pick out the top of the tower from the background, at any angle.
Great use of ladders and wooden poles in the architecture. Nice park.
Change of comments: After I took a look at it again, I actully did see a good park. There was a very good atmopshere, the landscaping was awsome, and I really liked the coasters, but the architecture needs work. The architecture was a bit blocky but it went with the park and the rest of the park made up for it.
I still think Phatage should have won this spot but it is very close.
My rating: 7/10. Nice work WME.
Awsome entry Evil. I loved the use of the wooden poles, very creative. I think that useing a chairlift as a kinda adventure ride was a risk that payed off, it really worked for me. Overall great stuff, best yet IMO.
This one had a very unique atmosphere, a wild sort of feel to it, which was no doubt what you were aiming for. The landscaping was brilliant, definetly the high point of the park. Only problem with that is that it really took away from the meaty stuff... Buildings and such, which I really enjoyed as well. I guess large midways and streets would totally take away from the overall vibe you intended for though, so all is well. But it doesn't seem like you were attempting to come out big in the rankings (to me, at least). This felt more like an 'artistic expression' sort of thing, and I commend you for that. The rides generally seemed to keep the wild feel of the rest of the park, and flowed with the landscape wonderfully. The inverts didn't duel near as much as I hoped, but were still pretty great coasters..... right up to the end, where that long, slow break run totally killed them. Their layout was still fairly attractive, and complimented the landscape well. I think this park deserves its position, for the most part. Great work.
It was nice, especially the entrance and the tower ride. The Invert, though nicely layed out, had way too many trains. Two a piece would do. I also would've liked it had it been better synchronized. The mine train ride was a bit bare for me, as was the water ride. And lastly, I, personally, don't think the skyride worked in this park. A train would've been better.
Nice though, most likely (yes) better than what I could have done.
The landscaping fucking owned everything.
The duelers did too. They were awesome.
I liked the rest too. The only thing I didn't like was the flowers. The colors of them didn't work, in my opinion. But yeah, the landscaping is fucking sweet.
While I really loved a lot of this park, there were some weak points too.
The good. The landscaping, theming, and architecture fucking rocked. All that was inspired and completely new/creative.
The rides, I thought, were the weak point of the park. Just as many WME coasters tend to be, I thought the coasters were messy. The 2 extra lift hills on the inverts were a real turn-off, as well as the supports showing on the watercoaster. There were other things, but overall I just thought they were messy, and brought down the quality of the park.
But the theming, architecture, landscaping, and basically everything else more than made up for it.
Cheers on a fucking cool park, and congrats on the top 10 finish.
I really liked the park. The trees/poles/etc. were all amazing and very innovative. I've never seen custom trees made so detailed and real. The inverts were great, and were timed perfectly when synchronized. I agree with Butterfinger that the park had a crazy atmosphere. It really did feel like the wilderness.. but also kind of cryptic in some parts.
I preferred Phatage's over this, because that park was just insane. But this was good too, and I hope you continue with RCT2.
thx for the comments. I guess i caught 2 judges well in my scheme, one judge particularly well (love you toon =) ) and a couple not so well. (no worries iris and raven ) Personally, i'd define it as a pure taste difference since there will probably be one creative park after another from here on. Whether or not you place a park like mine in the middle, on top, or on bottom, doesn't worry me much.
As butterfinger rightly noted, it was never "built to win." Atleast i don't think so. Sometimes i regret that, and wished i created some kind of super city with multiple layers (maybe someday) but at times i definitely don't regret that. It definitely did turn out the way i wanted it too at the beginning, and you have to do what you set out to do. I'm very proud of this, personally. I've also become more adept with RCT2 then ever before, and i've actually set out on a solo. (which will be very different, but i hope in turn better)
The only two things that have me saddened up a little (although i'm more than happy with my placing)... i gave iris an update, and he said he might update the d/l. The only things different were the queu of jaguar not being fucked up, the little support of a plant not showing, and the park being opened and peeps walking in. I actually took time to make it peep accessible, so 'tis a shame if no one were to see that.. Anyway, i took the liberty to upload it, so if you want to save it for later viewing, please save this one =).
And well, obviously, the above was kind of odd for me. I'd really wish you'd have spelled the name right. I mean, it still sounds like Lesbian Wilderness for all the perverts. (*glances over at Corky) And then it's the actual place in Africa, that isn't Lehseba, but Lesheba. Oh well.
Everything was so realistic but kept a great theme going. The duelers were proberly some of the best i have ever seen in rct2. I could just imagine me in this park, brilliant park WME.
Well, I enjoyed this park... it had a nice atmosphere, and the Furious Birds were *great*, but other than that... I don't know. I suppose I wasn't as impressed as Toon and some others.
The landscaping was excellent, and the chairlift was a good idea... and I always like those powered mine train rides.
*On a side note... the more I look at Escalante RF, the better it gets and every other park I've ever seen just seems to get worse...*
The Lehseban Wilderness by Evil WME
A lot of people (myself included) underestimated Evil WME's RCT2 ability. When he showed his screen shot I was expecting somewhere in the top 15 finish, but he really proved me wrong in the end with this entry. While I never really fell in love with it the way Pyro, vTd, or Toon did, I do appreciate all that it is. The park is one of a kind truly, the 'muddy' architecture is such a nice change from everything else, really makes the park contrast from the generic 'themed' parks. It has it's own feel, a rugged, adventerous type of atmosphere throughout it that makes the park exciting to explore. The dueling inverted coasters are a great touch, with several near misses, and beautiful theming and landscaping to interact with the coaster. My only gripe with the park is the right side of it, although there is a great liquid coaster, it's much more bare and leaves lots left to be desired in my opinion, but perhaps the subtlely of it hasn't quite hit me yet. Congratulations Evil WME, as you prove to be one of the biggest dual-game threats in the entire site.
Gonna look at the park now.
Kevin Offline
Well, I didn't reall look at the park, mostly because it never got my attention. I just took small glimpses of everything and didn't really like anything about it. Sorry to say that.
Some of the barren parts were o.k. but I thought it was a little too plain in most areas. The only thing I really liked were the dueling inverts.
I'll look at it more later on, maybe then it will start to grow on me.
I guess I'm just going to have to get used to those portculis doors. Besides that, I thought the architecture was quite nice. Consistent yet with some cool individual touches to various buildings. The mine train is a nice touch, though the landscape there is a bit sparse.
The tower with the elvator is well done, but it's tough to pick out the top of the tower from the background, at any angle.
Great use of ladders and wooden poles in the architecture. Nice park.
I still think Phatage should have won this spot but it is very close.
My rating: 7/10. Nice work WME.
But it doesn't seem like you were attempting to come out big in the rankings (to me, at least). This felt more like an 'artistic expression' sort of thing, and I commend you for that.
The rides generally seemed to keep the wild feel of the rest of the park, and flowed with the landscape wonderfully. The inverts didn't duel near as much as I hoped, but were still pretty great coasters..... right up to the end, where that long, slow break run totally killed them. Their layout was still fairly attractive, and complimented the landscape well.
I think this park deserves its position, for the most part. Great work.
Nice though, most likely (yes) better than what I could have done.
The duelers did too. They were awesome.
I liked the rest too. The only thing I didn't like was the flowers. The colors of them didn't work, in my opinion. But yeah, the landscaping is fucking sweet.
Cool buildings, too.
While I really loved a lot of this park, there were some weak points too.
The good. The landscaping, theming, and architecture fucking rocked. All that was inspired and completely new/creative.
The rides, I thought, were the weak point of the park. Just as many WME coasters tend to be, I thought the coasters were messy. The 2 extra lift hills on the inverts were a real turn-off, as well as the supports showing on the watercoaster. There were other things, but overall I just thought they were messy, and brought down the quality of the park.
But the theming, architecture, landscaping, and basically everything else more than made up for it.
Cheers on a fucking cool park, and congrats on the top 10 finish.
The overview is fuckin amazing.. details...
I I'm forward to 1st Pro-tour park
I really liked the park. The trees/poles/etc. were all amazing and very innovative. I've never seen custom trees made so detailed and real. The inverts were great, and were timed perfectly when synchronized. I agree with Butterfinger that the park had a crazy atmosphere. It really did feel like the wilderness.. but also kind of cryptic in some parts.
I preferred Phatage's over this, because that park was just insane. But this was good too, and I hope you continue with RCT2.
As butterfinger rightly noted, it was never "built to win." Atleast i don't think so. Sometimes i regret that, and wished i created some kind of super city with multiple layers (maybe someday) but at times i definitely don't regret that. It definitely did turn out the way i wanted it too at the beginning, and you have to do what you set out to do. I'm very proud of this, personally. I've also become more adept with RCT2 then ever before, and i've actually set out on a solo. (which will be very different, but i hope in turn better)
The only two things that have me saddened up a little (although i'm more than happy with my placing)...
i gave iris an update, and he said he might update the d/l. The only things different were the queu of jaguar not being fucked up, the little support of a plant not showing, and the park being opened and peeps walking in. I actually took time to make it peep accessible, so 'tis a shame if no one were to see that.. Anyway, i took the liberty to upload it, so if you want to save it for later viewing, please save this one =).
The Lesheban Wilderness
And well, obviously, the above was kind of odd for me. I'd really wish you'd have spelled the name right. I mean, it still sounds like Lesbian Wilderness for all the perverts. (*glances over at Corky) And then it's the actual place in Africa, that isn't Lehseba, but Lesheba. Oh well.
All in all, i'm still happy
If... WME would have judged
1-6. ?
7. Universal's Cayman IOA- slob
8. Darwood Grove- Kumba
9. Gouvia Point- Voodoo
10. WTF- Bokti
11. Continent Traasok- Twisted
12. Epica- Phatage
13. Disney's MiniSeas- John
14. The 10th Kingdom- Six Frags
15. Elements- Gir
16. Darkwood Amusements- Posix
17. Ancient Enchantments- Prince Ashitaka
18. N.E.R.D.- Gymkid Dude
19. Harmony Harbor- Micool
20. Palm Springs Florida- NC
21. Country Squire Amusement Park- rwadams
22. Poplar Grove- Ride6
23. Lesheban Wilderness- Evil WME
Everything was so realistic but kept a great theme going. The duelers were proberly some of the best i have ever seen in rct2. I could just imagine me in this park, brilliant park WME.
Best park yet.
Congrats on coming 7th.
Corkscrewed Offline
This park sucks!!!
The landscaping was excellent, and the chairlift was a good idea... and I always like those powered mine train rides.
*On a side note... the more I look at Escalante RF, the better it gets and every other park I've ever seen just seems to get worse...*