Wow, Corkscrewed has most definitely been on quite a roll lately. Just recently coming off his Spotlight winning RCT2 masterpiece "DisneySEA Spain", he now comes in with a 6th place finish in the Pro Tour. This follows up his fith place finish in the Hi-Rollers Contest, where had his traditional park, Cloverfield Grove barely get in, thanks largely to Pyro's perfect score. This time around he's taken a more modern, more daring approach in his parkmaking, and while the seeding is lower, the park is most definitely better. The opening screen of this park is one of the most phenomenonal things I've ever seen in RCT2 (the entrance area). Perfect use of quarter tile blocks, great mixture of golds and teals, all coming together to form a perfect area. Some other parts of the park are a little more suspect, but he keeps the quality up regardless. Corkscrewed must now always be considered when talking about the absolute best in the RCT2 world, because when it comes down to it...I don't see how you can argue that. Right alongside with Mala, sacoasterfreak, cBass, Toon, and Foozy, Cork has a spot among the elite. He builds parks differently, not worrying so much individually on architecture, theming, or coasters, but letting them all drown in each other to form the perfect whole.
the entrance was so beautiful and exceptional, some of your best work corky. I was just in a daze.
Your main coaster was amazing! It looked so thrilling. The launch off theming was done so well, as was the second launch off after the block brake.
Although I could tell the back of the park (with the vertical coaster) wasn't as focused on as much as the rest, this park is one to look over again and again, and again!
I think I'm on my own here. But I really didn't like it. The hacking was glitchy on the hyper, the rides all intermingled much too much for my liking, I didn't think the rides were designed particularly well, I found the black custom path ill-used and ugly, some of the architecture was exposed and blocky, the foliage at the back of the park was a bit messy... I didn't mind the entrance area, or the supports for the coaster's straight section just beyond it... but apart from that, I don't feel corky's style at all. I appreciate what he does is calculated, but the style just doesn't appeal to me. I could jump around pretending I like it... but that would be fake.
I think I'm on my own here. But I really didn't like it. The hacking was glitchy on the hyper, the rides all intermingled much too much for my liking, I didn't think the rides were designed particularly well, I found the black custom path ill-used and ugly, some of the architecture was exposed and blocky, the foliage at the back of the park was a bit messy... I didn't mind the entrance area, or the supports for the coaster's straight section just beyond it... but apart from that, I don't feel corky's style at all. I appreciate what he does is calculated, but the style just doesn't appeal to me. I could jump around pretending I like it... but that would be fake.
Well, I loved it. I thought it was incredible. So far I feel this is the only RCT2 Park that has actually had a WOW factor on me. Most of the other parks in this contest had either good ideas but weren't pulled off right. Others had great technical beauty but the ideas behind them were week. I thought this park had great ideas and were pulled off right. I also loved how Corky didn't leave too much unthemed land. Alot of people have been calling the bare parks in this contest beautiful because of the subtle beauty, forget that, I just found them unfinished and borring. Of couse this is only my opinion, but nevertheless this is a great park and deserves to be in the spot it's in right now, assuming the parks ahead of it aren't weaker.
I didnt like it much.. The architecture skills corky has are amazing, its a shame the coasters werent at that standard. The large gold coaster was horrible to watch. It hurt my eyes watching it go round the track. The station to it was AWSOME though. That large gold bridge also rocked. When i view a park, i like to see strong coasters with themeing, not over the top amounts of architecture and poor coasters.
I don't what I have to think about this park... I didn't really liked DisneySea, but that one had at least not a coaster of 4000m lenght
It's just that I really don't favour those 'total fantasy' parks. I rather have a more realistic park...
The atmosphere was tremendous (to be expected from a corkscrewed park of course) the architecture was fantastic, the station to the transport coaster was mindblowing. But what let it down was the (sorry to say it) aweful coaster designs. Straight pieces whilst banking is a no no in my book. Too much of the transport coaster was underground making it hard to follow. Although I loved the concept of it. And the bridge near the entrance.
I didn't like the vertical coaster at all. It looked a little squashed in, and the vertical bit where it went into a steep incline looks so unsmooth.
The hypercoaster thing was the best coaster of the lot. Although it wasn't fantastic, it was quite flowing.
But overall, the park was excellent and a joy to look at. Great work!
Excellent. Top Ten worthy, easily. I'd say it's my 2nd favorite just behind Phatages. I think these other 4 will probably kill yours though. What I love about this park is the archetecture, the idea's etc (all of which were excellent, most of the time). The coasters were horrid through. The hyper was okay throughout but the glitchyness just shows that parts of it were rushed because that is't hard to correct. The main coaster wasn't that bad for the launchs and some of the inversion and helix setups. It was a waste to make it so long though.
Like Phatage, you pulled off a park with alot of great idea's that were pulled off relitivly well, however you both compromised your coaster skills to do it.
Deano sumed up my comments. It was a nice park but it really didn't appeal to me. The thing I didn't like the most is all the intertangeld coasters, it just looked too messy, ecspessialy with the unoperable Old Rails pieces.
I can't wait to see the top 5, I hope there amazing.
Corkscrewed paints with a square and often broad brush, but the results are undeniably impressive. Every 4:3-aspect view I stop on features a coaster (or several) screaming through an interesting scene. This park shines. It glows. I feel like I need special sunglasses designed for a specific color band.
Pretty ubercool for the most part, although i'm not a fan of any of the coasters. I really liked the elevators and their building on the way up to the main twister. Cool. Good job Croky!
Ok, i can think of reasons to like it, and i come up with some, but really, my first impression wasn't positive at all. Compared to some sections in Disney Sea this is shite. The paths, the colors, the coasters.. It looks thought out a bit, and it's stylish. But the mingle of coasters take a lot away from the thought out bit. Really, not my favorite park of the bunch. I'll still congratulate you with the marvelous placing, and i'm sure i just don't understand your parks, and lucky you that some of those judges do.
Well, can't please everyone. And those who don't like it for the most part don't like my style anyway, so hey, it's cool!
Anyway, I guess I just have a different taste in coaster building than most people. This park was designed more as a fantasy world, where the coasters served the storyline rather than acted as actual coasters, so that might have had a bit to do with it.
And while I didn't expect to win (I hoped but didn't expect), I wanted a top 5 finish. It's okay, though, because the parks ahead of me are just absolutely incredible, and I see no shame in finishing behind Butta, Mala, Mantis, cBass, and Natelox.
Maybe I should take more time... I didn't necessarily rush it, but I did get mine in way before almost everyone else. I kinda thought I wouldn't have had as much time as I ended up having.
Valkyr Sol by Corkscrewed
Wow, Corkscrewed has most definitely been on quite a roll lately. Just recently coming off his Spotlight winning RCT2 masterpiece "DisneySEA Spain", he now comes in with a 6th place finish in the Pro Tour. This follows up his fith place finish in the Hi-Rollers Contest, where had his traditional park, Cloverfield Grove barely get in, thanks largely to Pyro's perfect score. This time around he's taken a more modern, more daring approach in his parkmaking, and while the seeding is lower, the park is most definitely better. The opening screen of this park is one of the most phenomenonal things I've ever seen in RCT2 (the entrance area). Perfect use of quarter tile blocks, great mixture of golds and teals, all coming together to form a perfect area. Some other parts of the park are a little more suspect, but he keeps the quality up regardless. Corkscrewed must now always be considered when talking about the absolute best in the RCT2 world, because when it comes down to it...I don't see how you can argue that. Right alongside with Mala, sacoasterfreak, cBass, Toon, and Foozy, Cork has a spot among the elite. He builds parks differently, not worrying so much individually on architecture, theming, or coasters, but letting them all drown in each other to form the perfect whole.
This was amazing, the colours were perfect and everything blended together smoothly.
the entrance was so beautiful and exceptional, some of your best work corky. I was just in a daze.
Your main coaster was amazing! It looked so thrilling. The launch off theming was done so well, as was the second launch off after the block brake.
Although I could tell the back of the park (with the vertical coaster) wasn't as focused on as much as the rest, this park is one to look over again and again, and again!
Just a piece of genious. Beautiful and Wonderous.
Great job!!
Great park Corky and congratulations.
But hey, still a cool park. Good job.
Richie Offline
You stole my name for a coaster I was making! Hydrolysis. Dammit now it's no good...
Nice park though. Can't believe these parks just keep getting getting better and better.
It's just that I really don't favour those 'total fantasy' parks. I rather have a more realistic park...
I didn't like the vertical coaster at all. It looked a little squashed in, and the vertical bit where it went into a steep incline looks so unsmooth.
The hypercoaster thing was the best coaster of the lot. Although it wasn't fantastic, it was quite flowing.
But overall, the park was excellent and a joy to look at. Great work!
Like Phatage, you pulled off a park with alot of great idea's that were pulled off relitivly well, however you both compromised your coaster skills to do it.
A noble effort none-the-less.
I can't wait to see the top 5, I hope there amazing.
If... WME would have judged
If... WME would have judged
1-5. ?
6. Universal's Cayman IOA- slob
7. Darwood Grove- Kumba
8. Gouvia Point- Voodoo
9. WTF- Bokti
10. Continent Traasok- Twisted
11. Epica- Phatage
12. Disney's MiniSeas- John
13. The 10th Kingdom- Six Frags
14. Elements- Gir
15. Darkwood Amusements- Posix
16. Valkyr Sol- Corkscrewed
17. Ancient Enchantments- Prince Ashitaka
18. N.E.R.D.- Gymkid Dude
19. Harmony Harbor- Micool
20. Palm Springs Florida- NC
21. Country Squire Amusement Park- rwadams
22. Poplar Grove- Ride6
23. Lesheban Wilderness- Evil WME
Corkscrewed Offline
Anyway, I guess I just have a different taste in coaster building than most people. This park was designed more as a fantasy world, where the coasters served the storyline rather than acted as actual coasters, so that might have had a bit to do with it.
And while I didn't expect to win (I hoped but didn't expect), I wanted a top 5 finish. It's okay, though, because the parks ahead of me are just absolutely incredible, and I see no shame in finishing behind Butta, Mala, Mantis, cBass, and Natelox.
Maybe I should take more time... I didn't necessarily rush it, but I did get mine in way before almost everyone else. I kinda thought I wouldn't have had as much time as I ended up having.
Keep the comments rolling, positive or otherwise!