Park / Flux Park
31-January 13
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- Comments 10

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Arjan v l 50% Austin55 50% geewhzz 40% Liampie 40% Louis! 30% Jonny93 25% nin 15% 37.00% -
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I didn't expect much of this when I opened it, but I was pleasantly surprised. Landscaping, architecture and rides ranged from bad to pretty good. Rush was my favourite coaster, that was awesome. Interesting stuff with the invert as well. The dueling Intamin coasters in the corner looked cool but sadly the dueling was not too good... Anyway, I hope to see more work by you. Without the expansion packs, with custom scenery and maybe even in LL.
Thanks for all the feedback everyone! First and foremost, This was my first park since getting back into the game (the reason I used NCOS and WW/TT). I wasn't expecting much in the voting panel because of the ride design,(people have called Big Blue "The Helix Ride") lack of CS, WW/TT, and of course, at the time of beginning this park I hadn't even heard of an RCT2 community anywhere, and wasn't planning on many people seeing it!
I plan on trying/experimenting with CS a lot more now, and I just picked up the original version of RCT2 to make eliminating WW/TT much easier. Hopefully my future builds will show off my work a bit better (this park is a few months old by now). Anyway, thanks again for the feedback!
Yes I am, I believe it is in the voting stages now.
Man, I really thought this was deserving of bronze at least. It's a bit old school and antiquated for sure, and missing some things this community typically enjoys, but just the sheer size and fun factor made me enjoy it a lot.
Wow... that size shows you've had a blast, i admire that.
Nice for a first release.