Park / Blue Jay
06-January 13
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disneylhand Offline
And oh yeah, the blue jay enclosure was awesome. Nice idea, there! Overall, a worthy design, in my opinion.
but the level of detail and atmosphere was quite high, so kudos on a great design!
The layout is solid, but nothing spectacular, solid layouts are great for most designs and most ride types but when it's a B&M Invert I feel people need to work harder on making them more interesting because we see so many of them.
But nice design, I can see why it only grabbed the acolade by the skin of it's teeth though.
Airtime Offline
I wasn't keen on the location of the 2 frog hoppers but nice to see different rides used in RCT.
As mentioned before the layout got a little odd it wasn't awful but not amazing.
I think the foliage was very heavy and needed some variation here and there. The foliage seemed all or nothing, it was either full on heavy foliage or nothing at all which gave quite a few bare areas under the coaster.
The whole design seemt very Wild Eagle which I loved.
Nice to see more stuff from you Storm! Bring more though