Park / Schembri Springs

Park_2591 Schembri Springs


  • Austin55%s's Photo
    Kinda wish place to release your parks was still open. Offering duo's or group park assistance and free entry on all these. I doubt anyone really wants most of these but here ya go. Mostly just want to put my some parks out there but don't want them on my profile. No point in keeping them to myself or risk losing them in a crash.
    Here goes

    Kings Acres. Outdated. Sort off meant to be a whimsical RCT style of the former paramount parks, with the best of both. Ya'll have seen this one before.
    Attached File  Kings Acres.SV6 (8.68MB)
    downloads: 299

    Schembri Springs, basically this is really old. I think someone else did some work on it but I can't even remember who now.. sorry. Not this file though.
    Attached File  Schembri Springssubmitversion (1).SV6 (14.69MB)
    downloads: 257

    Unnamed. Moderatly up to date. Meant to be a small park based in a hill wilderness, inspired by a trip to magic springs or alabama adventure.
    Attached File  Small.SV6 (19.25MB)
    downloads: 285

    Knott's. I think some of you have seen this. It's not to bad. Hampered by an outdated bench but still fun.
    Attached Image: SCR34.jpg
  • Louis!%s's Photo
    Seen all of these already. You're shit Austin, give up.

    What happened to us duo-ing?
  • Austin55%s's Photo
    I am giving up, clearly.

    I still work on that. Among a few other things. Step into the Wild should be out soon.
  • nin%s's Photo
    Knott's seems pretty salvageable. I'll take a look at it.
  • Louis!%s's Photo
    ^You think that and then you get in it and it's a mess :p Nah, some parts are great, but they are mixed in with older work, remove the older work and plan it out a bit better and you've got a great park.

    Austin, PM me something useful regarding the duo please, rather than the usual shit you send :p
  • Austin55%s's Photo
    What if all I have is the usual shit?
  • Louis!%s's Photo
    I didn't mean RCT shit, send me all the RCT shit you like lol
  • Airtime%s's Photo
    Gonna have to have a fun dig through these few unfinished items :)