Park / Legends West
10-July 01
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73.75%(required: 70%)
G Force 90% chorkiel 80% CoasterCreator9 75% Cocoa 75% RWE 75% Scoop 75% bigshootergill 70% csw 70% geewhzz 70% Jaguar 70% 73.75% -
This was the followup park to my "milestone" park, Legends. I didn't even submit it to the Danimation Spotlight, because I was just anxious to release it already. It features four themed areas, including "Tombstone", a haunted western area which features "Outlaw", a GCI Woody. Next is the second installment of Atlantis, with a newer & improved "Leviathan" coaster. This time, it's a floorless coaster, and it was even more popular then the first. The next area was Lut Ghoelin, which didn't even feature a coaster, and was probably one of the first themed areas not to have one. Finally, is another Camelot area, with a second design of "Dueling Pendragons". This park has stayed a lock at Iris' #1 on his "List" for a long ass time until recently.
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Louis, he actually had a previous version of the Arabian area that was lost and he had to rebuild it. That's why it's a bit small and under-developed compared to the other areas.
Casimir, thanks for the map, but you didn't notice the flowers needed to be watered, did you?
I think you misread what I wrote because I said I found the Arabian area the best area and the area I enjoyed most, so if that was the under-developed area then the other areas were even more sub-par than I thought.
Also, this park's simplicity inspired me to do some sort of challenge: build a full scale park with this detail level in one or two days. Can it be done? It won't be amazing, but can it be done? It will be an educating experience. First I'll finish my current LL parks though.
I agree with you, the arabian area felt the weakest, just from looking at the map. However, some of it seems to have inspired a rideless giant arabian market from an anonymous german LLer. Wonder who that could be...
It can be easily done. I completed Great Escape Colorado in less than 7 days. So something simple like this is, I'd say, manageable.
I tell you what, it would be a good idea for a quick collabo/contest, kind of like NE's Invitational. A group of us all attempt to do our park built over a 3 day period. See who finishes in time and what they are all like, be interesting to see who builds similar themes and similar styles.
Quite interesting reading this conversation, the Arabian are has always felt the weakest to me. It really lacks any central draw or attraction, nor does it utilize the water front or have unique composition.
On a technical side it was probably ahead of its time and really set a trend when it comes to Arabian architectural style for many future LL parks. However these areas never seem to do anything for me.
While the other area's aren't necessarily unique by today's standards either, they seem to stand up a bit better and are a bit more memorable. Especially Camelot, Mexico and Atlantis. You can totally see how RoB originated from these areas and it really makes them quite fascinating to me.
5 years later and I still haven't finished those couple of projects I mentioned.
How is this park not 85+? It's miles better than anything that came pre-NE yet it gets slapped with a 74%?
Sorry I missed the vote for this, wanted to give it one more good look before I cemented my 75 from years ago.
GF since you're so ruthlessly strict with most any park you see, I'm always surprised you give love to the oldies. I usually expect you to tear them apart.
I'm just happy it got a gold, hah. This is likely the most meaningful park for the time of transition of Danimation to NE, and the years to follow. You had a plethora of 4-corner parks after this one, as Legends West kind of perfected the formula. It was also the park everyone coming to NE saw, because it was #1 on iris' list at the time. So there were some direct aesthetical "borrowings" in quite a few projects after, including my own (....). I'd argue that this was more copied than RoB, which stands on a similar podium in RCT history. Simply because RoB was quite impossible to copy from for a certain number of years.
The site also has lots of accounts, sometimes lengthy essay-like posts from members, on the meaningfulness of Legends West. Would be good to dig all that up and make more accessible to those interested.
I would be interested in seeing the historiy behind this park. For me it seems like a typical LL 4 corners park from the early days, but going off some comments here, it seems like it's more than that. So if you have a link Posix, I'd ove to read up about this.
I simply feel like parks should be graded against their contemporaries, and not by "current" "standards". Otherwise, I honestly see zero purpose in giving parks like these scores if we're going to grade them with a 2020 eye.
This park was probably the most influential park in RCT before RoB came along. Compared to other Danimation spotlights it's tiers ahead. I actually considered giving it a 95 for that reason, but decided against it whenever I actually put my vote in.
Got the same feelings for parks like Atlantis (80.63), California DSea (77.22), Florida DSea (76.88), DDI (83.64), SWA (86.25). All of which (among others) got kinda shafted by their scores for whatever reason. Maybe it's just because they're all pre-NE-RCT2 cannon and sorta aren't in the community conscious like RoB or Watkins or the Turtle era spotlights are.
Its just frustrating we go through all this effort to properly release these old parks to the database, vote on them, and then they just get slapped with meh scores because they're 18-20 years old and don't stand up to the contemporary expectations for hyper over-detailed micro based projects of today.
To me, this is the best park pre-NE, and it should be graded accordingly.