So I messed around with this yesterday. Jesus, I couldn't build anything. I spent all my time squeezing my eyes, trying to find an object that might give me what I want. It's crazy. I spent forever trying to match the colours of the bushes so they would look like in LL and JUST CAN'T SEEM to get it right. Is it even possible?? The way the tree-colouring is set up makes them look really eerie and dark. Similar to how Louis' bench looked when people played with it. Then, all these zillions of tiny little objects by K0NG and co. Who the fuck would ever want to get their heads around using them well and waste all his time. No wonder nobody finishes anything of decent scale anymore. I call for a decent bench with well sorted objects and a 1/4 object quota imposed on it.
Well... my design is turning out nicely ,and maybe rct2 is just becoming to complicated with all those small items.
Also ,i don't have much experience with making a bench ,but i've tried my best.
Posix, if I remember correctly you said more than once that playing RCT should be about having fun and being creative, not about accomplishments. The possibility to customize everything to the tiniest detail is what makes the game fun for many of us, including me. Feel free to make a bench with a 1/4 object quota, but I simply wouldn't enjoy using it.
Lol Posix makes me chuckle. I personally love the difference between RCT2 and LL. Which is why I find myself playing one to have a break from the other.
So I messed around with this yesterday. Jesus, I couldn't build anything. I spent all my time squeezing my eyes, trying to find an object that might give me what I want. It's crazy. I spent forever trying to match the colours of the bushes so they would look like in LL and JUST CAN'T SEEM to get it right. Is it even possible??
Who the fuck would ever want to get their heads around using them well and waste all his time.
I know you're serious but this actually makes me laugh so hardly, your brain will burn when you select the each objects in scenario editor posix, I loled because I felt the same way before. sometimes I lost all motivation through the scenario editor, it takes a loads of time then LL!
but yeah, someone will love to play with RCT 2 despite of annoying object selection if he loves ultra detailsm, someone will play with RCT LL if he loves minimalism and want to feel nostalgic atmosphere (Liampie is a prime example). it's probably just a personal preference. both series have its pros and cons and they chosen what they want.
Believe it or not, my motivation for the above post was actually to make you laugh how dilettant old posix messes around with today's RCT2. At least it worked with two of you.
Having said that, I stand by my criticism, and you might want to make a remote consideration if it's really all just momentary satirical bullshit or if perhaps you could see yourself finding some truth in it, too.
Hehe, I can imagine how you feel posix, no surprises there..
Thing is, we (RCT2ers) all kinda grew up with those, what you call, 1/4 tile objects. They got smaller and smaller over time as it allows for more detailed structure design. If you didn't build regularly with those objects, and kinda got "behind" with the crowd, catching up takes a lot of time I guess and all these objects look like one big chaotic mess. I myself like the customization options of RCT2, and the level of realism I see nowdays on this site are extraordinary and the game has never been so realistic.
I've recently began playing RCT3 again, and believe me, the exact same feeling came to mind as you described in the first post; One big mess of 1000 objects which look almost identical. Because RCT3 has no object limits, the amount of customization is enormous though, and allows for extremely realistic themepark construction. It just takes A LOT of time of getting used to using all those objects. The end result is very satisfying though, and I'll guess you'll see some of that soonish
I never get how everyone still uses the scenario editor for object selection. Just download a basic bench and change the object selection with parkdat. WAY more comfortable imho.
I've 'cleaned' the objdata folder few weeks ago and scenario editor isn't a trouble for me anymore ,combined with my own tabs that includes everything usefull, it's even fun again to play rct2 ORGANIZED.
Just like when the game was new.
Btw. i did laugh posix ,but quietly ,because i didn't want to insult you.
Also ,i don't have much experience with making a bench ,but i've tried my best.
Sad to hear that you didn't enjoyed it posix.
posix, I loled because I felt the same way before. sometimes I lost all motivation through the scenario editor, it takes a loads of time then LL!
but yeah, someone will love to play with RCT 2 despite of annoying object selection if he loves ultra detailsm, someone will play with RCT LL if he loves minimalism and want to feel nostalgic atmosphere (Liampie is a prime example). it's probably just a personal preference. both series have its pros and cons and they chosen what they want.
Having said that, I stand by my criticism, and you might want to make a remote consideration if it's really all just momentary satirical bullshit or if perhaps you could see yourself finding some truth in it, too.
Thing is, we (RCT2ers) all kinda grew up with those, what you call, 1/4 tile objects. They got smaller and smaller over time as it allows for more detailed structure design. If you didn't build regularly with those objects, and kinda got "behind" with the crowd, catching up takes a lot of time I guess and all these objects look like one big chaotic mess. I myself like the customization options of RCT2, and the level of realism I see nowdays on this site are extraordinary and the game has never been so realistic.
I've recently began playing RCT3 again, and believe me, the exact same feeling came to mind as you described in the first post; One big mess of 1000 objects which look almost identical. Because RCT3 has no object limits, the amount of customization is enormous though, and allows for extremely realistic themepark construction. It just takes A LOT of time of getting used to using all those objects. The end result is very satisfying though, and I'll guess you'll see some of that soonish
I've 'cleaned' the objdata folder few weeks ago and scenario editor isn't a trouble for me anymore ,combined with my own tabs that includes everything usefull, it's even fun again to play rct2 ORGANIZED.
Just like when the game was new.
Btw. i did laugh posix ,but quietly ,because i didn't want to insult you.