Park / Hard Rock Park Belgium
- 25-December 12
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73.08%(required: 70%) Gold
In:Cities 90% 5dave 80% Goliath123 80% turbin3 80% tyandor 80% Casimir 75% Liampie 75% Arjan v l 70% geewhzz 70% Maverix 70% Phatage 70% pierrot 70% Coupon 65% Pacificoaster 65% RMM 55% 73.08% - 4 fans Fans of this park
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Phatage Offline
That's your aspiration as a panelist, really?
Arjan v l Offline
Haha, i should've expected that.
No, that's not it.
I vote in a different way than you do.
I don't want to hurt feelings when it's not my taste or if it doesn't show innovation enough. If something is well executed, then it deserves credit.
I know you've seen it all, i've also checked your profile and despite that you don't have recent work, what was there was impressive, especcially your last design Frightnights.
I like the coaster, but if a peep doesn't want to ride it, because of the insane rating, then it has failed for me.
I can also vote like you and say to the majority that it's never good enough.
But that's not my style, i rather motivate the newer community and the ones that where here allready.
In the end...i'm only trying to give an objective vote the best way i can.
Therefore, i was glad to see that my vote was very close to the majority, is that wrong?
Maybe my standards are lower than yours, live with it, i'm not going to change it.
Cocoa Fan Offline
Louis! Offline
RMM for funniest member 2012
Casimir Offline
Louis!, wtf?
Louis! Offline
imawesome1124 Offline
Phatage Offline
That's really all you needed to say. Now that you can see from my perspective you won't complain about my rates and any ad hominem conclusions you draw from them in the future.
Arjan v l Offline
Good point.
I'm sorry if i came of like a dick (again).
I've been thinking about this a lot and learned some more..
I still think you're a harsh voter and maybe you can try to be a bit more objective.
It's still someone's work you're judging.
You've probably set the bar very high for yourself, but you can't expect the same from others.
A b&m sitdown or other coasters that where frequently released in the past at NE, may not impress you anymore, but for the newer generation it's different.
Try to relate somewhat to the newer generation, if you would, otherwise this game will die eventually.
Maybe my christmas design is more appealing to you, i can only hope so.
There's innovation in there and inspiration (well, at least as much as i had left after so many releases last year).
I've also created several animated and normal objects, just to show something innovative.
I guess i'm still learning here.
No hard feelings i hope.
Ps. Sorry for abusing your topic for this guys, this will be the last message.
Liampie Offline
Arjan v l Offline
FredD Offline
Airtime Offline
The LIM bowl is stunning. The Giovonola has a real nice layout, nice to see its not the usual Titan or Goliath variation. I would of loved to have seen more Giovonola style supports though, would of made that ride perfect. I liked the GIB a lot but wasn't a fan of the wild mouse crossing the coasters path. It also felt too sprawling.
The entrance was very nice but had too much of a bottle neck. I really liked it though. Nice touch with the trade mark guitar.
The left side of the park though was a little different and wasn't as good. It lacked atmosphere most importantly. I like the idea of the Doppelmayr glider or however it spelt as well as the rapids. I think that area could of done with another flat ride somewhere near the rapids. I didn't like the slingshot/reverse bungee, the realist in me was screaming the supporting was not right. Being really picky but either have a traveling ride version or make it more of a park ride version. All the varieties I've seen, both traveling and park don't look exactly like that, I think it's the custom object supports supporting the trackitecture supports which doesn't make sense.
Anyway really nice park, very enjoyable and original. I hope we see another Belgium group park with Fred as well maybe? And another realistic chain park.
Jackoasta Offline
The atmosphere is absolutely spot on with incredible architecture and great path layout. The rides are very creative and realistic, each with divine and unique layouts. My favouirte is definitely the river rapids SO creative! The only thing that questions me is that the foliage is sometimes quite off...
Overall, I just want to be one of those peeps!