Park / Halcón Azul
13-December 12
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- Comments 37
67.31%(required: 65%)
Louis! 90% Casimir 80% In:Cities 80% posix 75% Coupon 70% Liampie 70% Maverix 70% Sulakke 70% chorkiel 65% Goliath123 65% Jonny93 65% turbin3 65% Pacificoaster 60% pierrot 60% 5dave 45% 67.31% -
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Hell yeahhhh as well
Fuck you 2.
Leave comments for me ,not for yourselves ,egocentrical bitches.
I really enjoyed this design, and I think the comments most have given so far are pretty accurate. Most of what I had to say has already been said.
My favorite part was the center of the map, with the peach color roofs. I didn't quite as much like the outer edges of the map, it wasn't as cohesive. Cohesive doesn't have to mean the same color or anything like that, but I just felt that the atmosphere on the outer edges could have been a little stronger.
Nevertheless, this was a nicely executed design with good details, touches, and realism, and thus is totally deserving of the accolade.
However, somewhat in response to GameWorldLeader, and more so everyone who has reservations about the increase in quality demanded by the panel, I think 5dave sums it up well:
" It's nothing spectecular, nothing I haven't seen yet so it's definately below 70. The major flaws to me are the second half of the layout and the fact that it's the same old same old."
Once somebody has done something, doing it again is less amazing, and less deserving of recognition.
I don't think anyone who made a REALLY nice light bulb in 2012 would say that they should get the same "score" as Thomas Edison.
If everything was rated in comparison to a certain point in time, eventually in the future, everyone would get 100% on everything they submitted. What was 90% 3 years ago, is different than today. The panel must, to follow logical progression of time, rate things in light of everything that has come before it.
Keep in mind, I say this as someone who has only submitted one thing to this site ever. I build most of my stuff for fun, for my own entertainment. Nobody's forcing anyone to submit anything. And this site has always maintained its accolades for the highest level of achievement. I don't think there's any sound argument against the way the panel has been judging. At least, not that I can locate.
Mad props to you Arjan, for knowing exactly what sort of entry you were submitting. And the design you totally deserve, keep up the good work, and I do expect to see something spectacular from you in the future
You've got some good points mentioned there.
We (newbies) can all learn from that.
It shouldn't be too easy to grab an accolade ,i agree.
And you know i was just trolling with Maverix and Louis!
Soon my name will also be mentioned like that.
Better watch out guys ,'cause here i come....
Exactly! That's the perfect attitude to take. Last time I was around this site, Maverix had just joined, and was advertising this in the AD: http://www.nedesigns...177/mount-fury/
I come back 3 years later, and he's a top player. Which is truly amazing and inspiring to see, I should mention. Perseverance and Integrity go a long way, in life, and likewise in creating beauty within this game.
But i've learned a lot since i've joined here and that made me to change my attitude.
Being ignorant and angry gets you nowhere...
I've got an open mind and ear now and i'm learning as we speak.
Same here! It happens easily. Just keep working with an open mind like you said, and you'll be amazed at what you can create! I'm already impressed by your work. Seriously man, keep it up.
P.S. Your first submission blows away my first one (which was before the database, so I don't have it anymore). So that already is impressive. You're going to make some amazing stuff with the attitude you have!
I'll keep that open mind from now on.
I hope you like my christmas release ,i've got something very unique coming up.
En, het zegt goed dat ik ben nu in amerika, toch ik komt vanuit nederland. Ik heb in amerika gewoond voor 18 jaar nu, denk ik.
Altijd blij om meer nederlanders te zien.
Ik kijk ernaar uit!
About the design:
I thought this was pretty, good. I was surprised actually, it had a very fun, lively atmosphere. The layout, while not amazing, was solid. Overall you've made huge steps in your past two releases and I think it's a sign of great things to come from you.
Keep up the good work.
Oh please.... not you again.
Aren't you getting tired of yourself ,because i am...
Let me give you my thoughts ,if you want to read it.
This might not have been MUCH of an improvement over my previous release ,it's just something different and a steady improvement. Ive been working on other qualities with this design, wich has been noticed by several users here ,except you ofcourse ,i should've known.
My work seems more like imitation than imagination.... you're full of shit.
I barely imitate ,i haven't used pictures to recreate in this design whatsoever.
In my previous release ,only one castle was based on a picture ,that's all!
You're obviously very small minded ,because my building speed shouldn't be an issue to you as well as the amount of releases in a short period.
Maybe i've got plenty of time on my hands ,or maybe you're just jealous that you can't build that fast. Everyone and i mean everyone notices my rapid improvement...except you.
You're not a person i'll respect soon ,i dislike you allready.
You're telling me to step up my game ('re so blind).
Maybe you should leave out your comment ,it's not usefull.
I'll be honest with you ,nowadays you only talk the talk ,but you don't walk the walk.
Impress me greatly with a mindblowing and stunning release and maybe ,just maybe i'll take you more serious when you do.
Until then ,please...piss of ,i definately don't need your 'support'.
@ maverix : Thanks for your supportive reply ,i'll keep up the good work.
Well... i think you're going to love my christmas design ,i'm only hoping that one certain person doesn't vote nor reply....(hint).
Thanks FK ,but i'll hate him with pleasure.
It will only inspire me to strike harder ,when i feel like it.
To me ,he's an ass. He's the only person that got me this angry so far.
I won't respect him ,because i don't have to.
Even though 5-Dave voted low ,i still respect him.
That might be because of the positive attitude 5-Dave has towards the game and the ones trying to improve ,wich phatage clearly hasn't.
You'll see more releases and they'll get better each release ,i'm sure.
The ones that are supportive ,are the ones i'm doing it for and for myself ofcourse.
This is a game ,maintaining fun is the main issue for me.
That's why i choose to improve steadily (wich is quite fast allready i.m.o.).
Really? Top player? Where is your evidence to back this up? Maverix is shit and always will be
Evidence shmevidence. I guess you caught me. Sorry maverix
^ You
It's because you suck