Park / Rift Valley
06-July 04
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Mala, you really are in a league of you own.
Trying to go through everything is pointless, but in short, I love everything.
Congratulations on a fucking brilliant park my friend. Please keep building for us.
PBJ Offline
Poor cBass.. he has a lot to live up to.
ifeel a tiebreak coming on i think,isn't x entering?
Oh and the station for Equinox is the single best architecture ever created.
You are still my god...
From Roomie
I may not be able too view the park but the screens are enough. Those duelers look incredible and the archy is amazing.
Oh how i wish i had any RCT...
Roomie cries
Things I particularly liked were the way rides interacted with one another; The rapids going through the station of the invert, the chairlift part of the support structure of a coaster's loop (forget which one), ect. The way you used bridges was amazing as well. The custom supports were not only very creative, but beautiful as well. Some of the structures I am just in awe of, to say the least.
What I don't understand is your chosen theme. I don't think it compliments your style at all. A rustic theme just isn't very convincing with so many giant, dark, sinister looking structures looming overhead.
I do get very tired of all the mala worshipping to be completely honest, but at least now I can sort of understand what all of it's about. I guess I'm just jealous of it, theres no other explanation
I wonder what mala thinks about. "I have an idea...let me make a kick-ass invert with brand new supports, then under those supports I want a rapids ride...good idea, then itll interact with a river ride...oh, and I wan't a chairlift fucking station with a path on top of it through one of the big loops, supported by awesome supports, and oh yeh I'll throw in some insane duelers with 2 pairs of double inline twists through large loops...oh and just for kicks I'll make a woodie. k."
Sheesh...congratulations, I would say that I expect immitation, but I think the skill required to even carbon copy this thing would be too great for most people.
In short, it was good
This is like the greatest park in existence. It reminds me of something... The atmosphere... I don't know what though.
Everything you made with them in this park is amazing and stuff like this is what really makes me love your parks.
The coaster as usual are amazing and work very well with all those amazing structures and the supports were just as awsome. Overall it was an awsome park. My rating: 9/10.
I wonder what park you will hit us with next and leave us sitting in our own drool.....
Ride6. Im on a gap year in thailand hence the lack of anything from me. No RCT till september
Anyway. i cant stop looking at these screens. From screens alone for me anyway this should of been top. Might be something todo with the godly status of mala in my eyes though.
ALthough CBASS damn man where did u come from. friking awesome
Thanks for the awesome reception, I had an incredible experience creating Rift Valley and participating in NEPT. First place would have been nice, but coming in under cBass is fine with me....for now.
I was going to post a little explanation of my thoughts and feelings about the small world of Rift Valley but I figured it would be fun to hear how you all interpreted what is going on there. There is an inherent storyline as cryptic as it might seem. I would be most curious to hear how some of you interpreted the surroundings and if the atmosphere helped bring you there.
Hint: Although I did get the Rift Valley name from the region in Africa of lake Malawi, Lake Tanganyika and Lake Victoria and the home to my favorite fish the African Cichlids, this park only shares the name with this region and nothing else except for it's geologic function and valley creation. I actually envisioned this park in the U.S. I guess that is what I get for not having the time to construct a readme.
Anyway, tell me your interpretation of what is going on in Rift Valley if you like. Then I will let you in on what I was thinking and what influenced my construction. Maybe this will be fun for some of you creative folk like Cork.
Anyway, Congrats to cBass, I laughed out load and gazed in awe at what your 100% unique mind has created. Muff Diver and Thruster took guts. Obviously you have guts because everything you do is so over the top creative. Don't ever change dude. I love what you do.
I found a lot to like in many of the entries, but my absolute favorite moment in the entire contest was watching Butta's angry drunken swan for the first 10 times. It was not laughter coming out of me but hysterics. In all my years of playing RCT, I have never laid in bed at night and laughed out load as I thought of a park. I absolutely loved meeting the Platypus! Your mind is a hilarious place.
Thanks all,
hope to hear some interpretaions...
I can't imagine anything better than this park, but that will probably only last until your next. For me, Escalante marked a departure from your normal style (style? crap word). This is a return though - the cultish, sinister edge is definitely there like it was in Mountain Beach and Malaworld. The feeling that something quite mysterious is going on under the sheen - here it's much more apparent than in MB, I felt. The Skell Society is the root of it, I imagine, because that one building with the spiral tunnel inside seems to be the distilled version of several other buildings in the park (including that incredible Equinox Gaudi-meets-Gehry-meets-Goth). I'm going to have to wait for you to explain the four-coloured quadrangle and the Iguana, if indeed they have explanations. And the strange rural type housing in the corner. Do you live there?
Again the coasters are unmistakeable, although I don't think they are your best. Mt Wood was sidelined, it seemed. Equinox seemed to be there for the symbolism in the loops and cobra roll (reminded me of the type of thing you get in old burial tombs, where the sun shines through the door at Midsummers). Psycho Speedway(s) were moving, but again I didn't like the initial drop/turn combination, although in a map that size you have to make sacrifices. Going over it again like this, I can't say much for the coasters at all, really. They did their jobs, though.
It was the buildings I enjoyed the most - the station i've already mentioned was the single best, although the entrance area was a joy to look through because of the variety. And of course, great shrubbery/lawn work, because it goes unnoticed just as it should.
Please explain, but don't spend too long explaining, because you could be using that time to do other things that would have much more lasting impact on me. Rift Valley and Epica are definitely two of the most thought-provoking parks i've encountered, and have made this competition more than enjoyable - it's been Interesting.
Thanks, Mala.
(It has just struck me what the feelings I get from this park remind me of - playing Broken Sword.)