Park / Basics Of My Brain
07-July 04
- Views 11,683
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- Comments 52

85.00%(required: 70%)
Kumba 95% yes Ling 95% no Jaguar 90% no RWE 90% no Steve 90% yes Cocoa 85% no Scoop 85% no Sulakke 85% no Liampie 80% no Camcorder22 75% no CoasterCreator9 75% no csw 70% no 85.00% 16.67% -
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(I rather enjoy those colors together personally)...
Oh, and is the shaggy guy in the back you? I thought I remembered you saying you lost like 7-8 inches of hair or so...maybe's a bad memory day today...
The waterfalls and rapids were magnificent in the forest area....I wasn't too fond of the woodie though, it was too sprawled out and interfered too much imo. The sex area was funny. I never thought someone would do anything like that in rct. I'm glad you were able to squeeze in a cheese building...cheesehead...haha. The gateway to the Darkness area was amazing and the rides were cool. The computer area was really cool...the resistor with the cobra roll is my favorite part. The park has a great layout. The only thing that I didn't like too well was the forest area. Congrats on winning cBass!
this things up for accolade scoring and wow it still rocks. I was expecting it to have aged considerably but it just... hasn't. Funny, smart, and full of great details and pretty rct. A real classic.
might have a new park-maker on our hands. and maybe even an elite.
wow, i thought i would be middle on this
Happy to see this with an accolade, but shame it isn't higher considering it was the winning park of the Pro Tour. At the time that I started posting on NE, this park was considered royalty. A well executed, innovative idea that really broke a lot of barriers for what people could expect in rct. At a time when most everyone else was still making park recreations, cBass made one of the greatest concept parks to date. Definitely deserving of the parkmaker title.
Possibly among the top 10 most creative parks on the site.
cBass was at the forefront of conceptual park-making and I think BOMB is the pinnacle of his world. Super iconic park. This will never get old.
100%, yes.
I found it incredible, great job.
congratulations, really is a brain
I honestly believe that this was the first park I ever encountered that made me realise RCT is as much an artistic medium as it is a management-strategy game