Park / Basics Of My Brain
07-July 04
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Basics Of My Brain by cBass
Wow. Only a month or so ago, cBass was still just a 'promising newcomer' who had released Wisconsin on the boards (and the VP) and had really impressed people with his PT qualifier "Infestation At Outpost 23". Then it happened. We fell in love with the fish. His creativity is unmatched by anybody, the concepts of his parks blow people's brains (no pun intended). He is a mix between Mala and Kai, a mix between mantis and Micool...the perfect mix of skill and originality. In his latest installment, he brings us directly inside his brain, literally. The park outlines his brain, with the four biggest parts of his life represented. You've got the music area (my personal favorite), where you find gigantic keyboards cascading down, music notes dancing around aimlessly, and even his band, the Dallas Orbiter represented. You've got a nature area, where you can find the wooden coaster that caused the controversy in the PT screens topic, which is actually a terrific woody, as it rides over some perfect cascading waterfalls as you "piss on the rocks". There's the computer portion of his brain, where the Phish mimics the look of the inside of a computer, and finally...the sex area. At least he's honest! In this area you'll find "Muff Diver", "Thruster", and more things of the like. Congratulations cBass on your win here, as he took down some of the toughest competition ever....he topped Mala, mantis, natelox, Butterfinger, Corkscrewed, WME, Harakiri, and several others on his way to the top. And still...we go without a repeat contest winner. Congrats once again cBass, you've definitely earned your place as one of the best RCT2 parkmakers at the site...only a few weeks in.
BOMB is a giant brain.
Ok I just looked at it, and it's fucking amazing. The creativity is awesome. The Sex Land is hilarious.
I seriously underestimated you.
Now, I don't know. After looking some more between Mala's and cBass's I have to say I like Mala's better now. There's something about Mala's park that makes it so great. Both the parks are great... It's just Mala's is more in depth.
My favorite area was definetly the computer area, it may not have been as flashy as the other areas but what really brought me to love this area is how you recreated the feel of the inside of a computer. I loved how you used a coaster for some of the wires and had them wind around the inside and make them look like they connected to there parts, that was awsome. I also loved the processor ride. it looked very nice and like a real one and I liked how you managed to make a ride out of it.
Now my 2nd favorite that almost ties with 1st is the Music area. Those keyboards were kickass and is a very creative idea, nice job on those. I also like all the little notes here and there. Everything was just awsome in this area. I also liked to see your Band represented, that was really cool.
The funniest area would have to be the Sex area, it was just hilarious yet awsome when I saw it. "Thruster", "Muff Diver", "Sea World", are the funniest names in the whole park and just me crack up.
At least, like Iris said, you were honest putting this in your park, most people would have been probably be embarrassed to put somthing like that in there park. So good job there.
I liked the woods area, I never knew you were into Nature. The woodie was really cool.
The dark area was cool to. It was cool to see cBass's dark side.
I also lloved the Cheese area which was an awsome idea, ecspessially since Cheese is my favorite food. If I were to make a park like this, Cheese would have been somthing I would have also put in. So nice work there.
Overall it was an awsome entry and a awsome park. My rating: 10/10. I can't wait to see more parks like this from you in the future cause with stuff like this you could have your 1st spotlight in no time.
Amazing job cBass!
PBJ Offline
Mala's was better.
The way you use scenery and rides is unmatched....
I can't wait to see more of your work..
Holy Fuckin' Craping of SHITing in the FUcking add more Holy fuck!
I think this is very
I Love NE like this contests!
My favorite park on Protour
exactly, excellent work cBass
Congratulations on 1st place, its deserved.
Silenced Offline
Corkscrewed Offline
Now I'm going to d/l the park... I'll let you know what I think, because screens don't seem to do this park justice (since they don't look impressive). I guess I'm gonna have to experience it....
Of course, had X finished his park on time.....
My favorite area was the music area- the piano slide things are AWESOME- and the notes are cool as well.
Next would be the nature area- a very nice, relaxing area- the Walk in the Woods was great- the way it picked up the pace in the end was great!
I guess the sex area was good- I mean, I'm a modest one (::blushes:: ), but it was pulled off well, I guess. The computer area was nice enough, but there wasn't much to it, really... The entrance was probably right up there with the music area in my book- the go-karts were a cool idea, and the tower drop was themed well.
The overall brain was a great idea, and the way you used waterslides was very convincing... great theme.
The only thing is... every area was just so small. You only had enough room for 2-3 rides, which is appropriate enough for how small they were, but... I looked at each area for maybe 5 minutes then moved on. There wasn't much depth to the architeture, I suppose... it's just a different kind of park, in a different style, and I appreciate it, but... it's not one of my favorites.
I never knew you could get the land to be shaped like that! And the waterslides looked like brains as well!
The s*x area was... a little racy for my tastes.
The part with the wooden roller coaster named "A Walk in the Woods" was very cool! The waterfalls were beautiful!
The pianoes are sooooooo cool! I never dreamed anyone could do such marvelous things! (I play a little piano myself, I might add...)
The computer place thing was very different, but so magical! The roller coaster was very skinny, but very nice!
And you got a HUNDRED dollars for this? WOW! Maybe I should make some new roller coaster tycoon parks for money!
Inspired to play my keyboard, and possibly mix some new tunes,
Congrats to cBass, and everybody else who competed. Also congrats to me for having the most accurate prediction of the top ten!
The nature section.. you'd think that even this theme would show some cliches, but I really didn't find any. Those waterfalls were beautiful.. the rapids blended in perfectly.. and all of the little buildings were nicely done (I especially liked 'A piss on the rocks'). I also liked that sign you did with the waves of different shades of blue.
The music section was really nice. You and Mala really are the gods of the 1/4 block. The darkride through the musical notes was really trippy and was one of my favorite rides in the park. It was a small section, but you really did get your point across.
And lastly.. the computer section. I really liked this section.. probably because I tried to make the same thing once (except inside a TV) and it wasn't nearly as good as this. It really felt like a microchip.. and I have no idea how you did it.. that little invert was quite a fun ride.. you never see coasters with that kind of theme.
The go karts were really cool also (I'm not sure if 'The Darkness' was a completely diff. section of what) but they were quite innovative and fun with invisible track going through and over those 1/4 blocks. I also loved how you made the park peep friendly (WTF was with all those elephants). It actually felt like a science museum somewhat. Anyhow, this park is a well deserving no. 1 and you have clearly proven that you are the most clever person at the game. And just to think.. you weren't even a parkmaker when this whole thing started. Congrats!
Congrats anyway.