This is defenietly in my top 3 parks of the PT which is now cBass, Mala, X. The woodies looked alright but I didn't take much time to look at them cause I was exploring all the fantastic architecture.
There was 1 problem, you left 0 clearences on and that made for some glitchy scenery pieces but that was easy enough to fix just by restoring clearences so no problem there. Just next time, make sure you restore clearences before saving. Although I'm sure you know that. was an awsome park and a real shame that you couldn't finish this in time because you would have easily placed in the top 5.
There was 1 problem, you left 0 clearences on and that made for some glitchy scenery pieces but that was easy enough to fix just by restoring clearences so no problem there. Just next time, make sure you restore clearences before saving. Although I'm sure you know that.
actually i confused about this as I use 8 cars to restore clearences but the trees are always still glitchy is there another program to use instead.
and FUCK ME I was surprised to see a comment like that from corky thanks so much man . (you are so not crap. I can't believe you think that) and thanks to toon who says it would be ranked #2. I also feel like this park is in know way as good as the materpiece I saw from mala
actually i confused about this as I use 8 cars to restore clearences but the trees are always still glitchy is there another program to use instead.
Your having the exact same problem I am having right now with 8 cars.
Mike, If I replaced the trees, they would just become glitchy again if I were to zero clearance, which I need to use sometimes.
Anyways, This was an incredible park X. I liked the colors and the writing made out of building blocks. God was my favorite part of the park. I do hope to see more RCT2 work from you.
Well X-sector, I have never been a fan of your work. It has always seemed watered down and you always had some okay ideas that were never fully exicuted. I wasn't a fan of the roller coasters in "A Love Token". "Pink And Blue" were horrible racer/duelers. They didn't race on the lift hill (which by the way, the curve in the middle is a big pet peeve of mine), or on the drop, or anywhere throughout the entire, lackluster layout. As for "God", I had no idea what you were trying to accomplish with the supports, esspcially with the cobra roll. All the little trims and boosters made for, in my opinion, a badly designed roller coaster. The architecture was pretty bad, as was the landscaping. The park wasn't a complete waste though. "The Love Tunnel" prooved to be a lot of fun and the tunnel architecture that surrounded it was entertaining. Sorry X, wasn't a fan. Maybe you'll impress me with your next park.
There was 1 problem, you left 0 clearences on and that made for some glitchy scenery pieces but that was easy enough to fix just by restoring clearences so no problem there. Just next time, make sure you restore clearences before saving. Although I'm sure you know that.
actually i confused about this as I use 8 cars to restore clearences but the trees are always still glitchy is there another program to use instead.
and FUCK ME I was surprised to see a comment like that from corky thanks so much man . (you are so not crap. I can't believe you think that) and thanks to toon who says it would be ranked #2. I also feel like this park is in know way as good as the materpiece I saw from mala
Actually, I restored clearances with the 8 cars trainer and it worked for me. Do you have the latest version? Also, I tend to restore it twice, just to be sure.
Too bad you didn't finish on time, this definately would have placed high. The colors you chose were perfect. The custom ship was cool, though not anything new. The building on top of 'The Love Below', great idea and execution on the ride too, is great. I love the flying butresses! The supports for the splash boats were amazing. Great architecture forms throughout...the Love Hater building was really cool. The woodies weren't very good though. There were too many straight sections. I love the height and depth of the architecture. God was spectacular as was Hey Ya. There were a few blocky buildings and it was a bit cluttered and repetitive in places. Very creative park though...I'm sure I'll be looking at it more than a couple times for inspiration.
There was 1 problem, you left 0 clearences on and that made for some glitchy scenery pieces but that was easy enough to fix just by restoring clearences so no problem there. Just next time, make sure you restore clearences before saving. Although I'm sure you know that. was an awsome park and a real shame that you couldn't finish this in time because you would have easily placed in the top 5.
Awsome park X!
and FUCK ME I was surprised to see a comment like that from corky thanks so much man . (you are so not crap. I can't believe you think that) and thanks to toon who says it would be ranked #2. I also feel like this park is in know way as good as the materpiece I saw from mala
Kevin Offline
Your having the exact same problem I am having right now with 8 cars.
Mike, If I replaced the trees, they would just become glitchy again if I were to zero clearance, which I need to use sometimes.
Anyways, This was an incredible park X. I liked the colors and the writing made out of building blocks.
God was my favorite part of the park. I do hope to see more RCT2 work from you.
Corkscrewed Offline
Architecture was nice in places and in some places a bit dire.
Overall the park seemed very rushed and everything could have been executed much better.
The ideas were defintely there though.