Park / Pacific Point

Park_2521 Pacific Point


  • Comment System%s's Photo
  • Liampie%s's Photo
    You've got the skeleton of a good park. Not great, but good. With more detail, life and differentiation this could head for bronze.
  • chorkiel%s's Photo
    This shows a lot of potential, to me. Keep on building and you'll get way better!
  • Mattk48%s's Photo
    Needs some elevation change, more atmosphere and better trees
  • AvanineCommuter%s's Photo
    There was way too much tarmac (killed the atmosphere), buildings with no detail or shape (lack of attention), one mediocre coaster (no interaction with the rest of the park), and absolutely no atmosphere at all, which is why I only voted 5%; there was nothing to enjoy, nothing to explore. I imagined myself walking through this park and I got a little depressed...
  • VanSchyndel%s's Photo
    I think this is a pretty good creation... I agree with Avanine. Too much tarmac, but I like the station for the rollercoaster. Keep up the good work! You have some potential :mantis:.
  • 14.23%(required: 50%)  Spotlight Submission
    Percentage of vote: 14.23%
    In:Cities 35%
    Coupon 20%
    Goliath123 20%
    Liampie 20%
    Pacificoaster 20%
    chorkiel 15%
    Jonny93 15%
    Maverix 15%
    robbie92 15%
    turbin3 15%
    Phatage 10%
    Sulakke 10%
    5dave 5%
    AvanineCommuter 5%
    pierrot 5%
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