It was great. Until I came to the empty bit of grass at the back left. You should definitely consider just finishing it off in any spare time. The park deserves it.
Ouch, submitting this unfinished and this close hurt but eh.
I haven't actually worked on this in about two years, and I started it much longer ago than that. It's not to outdated, its still got a fun factor to it, but I just don't have the motivation or reason to finish. I think even unfinished its fun to look at, hopefully some others will take some inspiration from what is there. There is some really fun stuff there! I especially like the Texas shaped wave pool and the superhero area
Some of the best parts and ideas are in my newer, smaller, better SF park that I'm working on (the northwest one, if anyone remembers) and WILL finish. I have other people helping me to. I'm going to finish one of my big parks.
I'll open it in a bit....
I haven't actually worked on this in about two years, and I started it much longer ago than that. It's not to outdated, its still got a fun factor to it, but I just don't have the motivation or reason to finish. I think even unfinished its fun to look at, hopefully some others will take some inspiration from what is there. There is some really fun stuff there! I especially like the Texas shaped wave pool and the superhero area
Some of the best parts and ideas are in my newer, smaller, better SF park that I'm working on (the northwest one, if anyone remembers) and WILL finish. I have other people helping me to. I'm going to finish one of my big parks.