Park / Neverland
24-July 12
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chorkiel 85% G Force 85% Sulakke 80% bigshootergill 75% csw 75% Liampie 75% Louis! 75% trav 75% alex 70% Austin55 70% 76.25% -
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(Voting duration: 120 hours)
"Pebbles in the Sky"
by the Reservoir Dogs (RCTLL)
by The Replacements (RCT2)
Voting Closed
The Replacements beat Reservoir Dogs and advance to the Grand Final
Pebbles in the Sky was made by Roomie and BelgianGuy. Neverland was made by 5dave, Cocoa and Dimi.
Reservoir Dogs vote count: 5
Voters: FK+Coastermind, Ling, Wanted, Twitch, pierrot, Xtreme97
The Replacements vote count: 14
Voters: JJ, Casimir, olddtfan51, XCars, disneylhand, Gwazi, Louis!, Turtle, MCI, Goliath123, Whitehawk, StormRunnerFan, JJayMForce, Marino
not counted: CrazyBlack (user registered after H2H6 trading week)
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Did someone on the Replacements actually drew that concept art of the park layout? (Concept art 3.jpg)
If so, that would be stunning!
Gonna have to look more deeply into both parks before voting.
Hoorah for finished parks tho in the semi-final!
Great job both teams!
As far as the parks go, I don't have LL access at the moment, so I can't view the Dogs' park in-game, but it doesn't look like the strongest LL effort from their team's strongest LL player, so I'm slightly ambivalent. As far as Neverland goes, beyond theme, I find it somewhat indistinguishable from pretty much every other park you guys have done this season, bar R4; it all kind of blends into one massive park for me, and while well-executed, just doesn't feel all that new.
Considering that I don't have LL handy, I'm refraining from voting, but I will mention that neither park represents the jump in quality from the normal rounds to the playoffs that was evident last season. Hopefully whoever makes it can really turn it out for the finals...
The park was good, but I think Rob is right when he says it doesn't stand out, particularly against New Fantasyland. This feels more like a continuation of that, as if Week Five and this are parts 1 and 2 of the same project. I feel some poor object choices were holding the park back. The Wooden Post Fences stood out strongly in my eyes as a lazy choice for path edging. Also, the tents around Big Chief just didn't work well, I think the Fisherman Awnings are too smooth and textureless to be used like they were. The custom supports for Big Chief were cool and well done, the appearance of them just did not appeal to me at all. Again, I think it was the object choices that were holding it back. The good news is, based on the overview, the Dogs park looks like their weakest of the season.
How the fuck could you vote if you DIDN'T look at both? That just doesn't make any sense at all. Drunky Mac might respect your honesty...but stupidity overrules honesty every time.
If you'd look like your avatar, that'd be awesome!
I would like to add.Please no more giant tree structures or wooden ship. I feel like ive seen at least one in every matchup this season