Park / The Siege of Jerusalem
05-July 12
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89.38%(required: 70%)
Jonny93 95% no Kumba 95% yes Liampie 95% no Cocoa 90% no inthemanual 90% no ][ntamin22 90% no alex 85% no csw 85% no nin 85% no Poke 85% no 89.38% 10.00% -
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Round Robin
Round 5 | Match 2
Voting Closed
(Voting duration: 120 hours)
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"The Siege of Jerusalem"
by the revoLLutionists (RCTLL)
"New Fantasyland"
by The Replacements (RCT2)
Voting Closed
revoLLutionists beat The Replacements
The Siege of Jerusalem was made by pierrot, Louis! and djbrcace1234. New Fantasyland was made by trav, Ruben and nin.
revoLLutionists vote count: 23
Voters: Six Frags, JJ, olddtfan51, MCI, Kumba, posix, Twitch, RCTMASTA, Ling, Goliath123, Miracle, Wanted, Wicksteed, Maverix, ScOtLaNdS_FiNeSt, Liampie, JJayMForce, 6000000flags, Shotguns?, FK+Coastermind, BelgianGuy, Dr_Dude, RMM
The Replacements vote count: 11
Voters: RRP, Casimir, Whitehawk, Marino, RHCPepperfan, FredD, Mr. Coaster, disneylhand, BigB, Xtreme97, Fizzix
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Edit - Holy.
Replacements - ______ , _______ , and _______ . Well done. Really fucking good.
No idea who I'm gonna vote for. Gimme a few days
"Holy fuck, that is COOL"
The overuse of those "1kruin" and "stone objects" completely ruined (no pun intended
edit; Is The Siege of Jerusalem one of those "started before H2H6" kinda parks? I remember I saw some screens from a particular parkmaker resembling some of the stuff in this park..
WHOA WHOA WHOA! Let's not get ahead of ourselves here! Slime Merdian!
Fantastic, unfortunately I can't vote cuz I don't have LL,
but the two parks looks awesome!
But yeah SM definitely is up there, just not really my cup of tea I guess..
Slightly better than the replacements park IMO.
The Replacements park was also brilliant. Lots of awesome ideas and I loved the Little Mermaid ride. Although there were a fair few too many 1k ruined blocks.
Quite an interesting situation..
For the simple reason that 40% of The Siege of Jerusalem (outside of the themepark) made no sense to me.
Both parks were good quality parks and while parts of New Fantasyland felt like it needed a few final touches it had more quality themepark to it. See first point.
Some of the best themeing ever in RCT. WOW