Park / Terra Progressia
22-June 12
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RWE 90% Scoop 90% chorkiel 80% Liampie 80% bigshootergill 75% CedarPoint6 75% CoasterCreator9 75% G Force 75% Ling 75% Cocoa 70% posix 70% Xeccah 65% 76.50% -
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Round Robin
Round 4 | Match 1
Voting Closed
(Voting duration: 120 hours)
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by the RevoLLutionists (RCTLL)
"Terra Progressia"
by the Hurricanes (RCT2)
Voting Closed
Hurricanes beat revoLLutionists
Europa was made by SSSammy, Airtime and RCTCA. Terra Progressia was made by Kumba, J K and Comet.
RevoLLutionists vote count: 0Voters:
Hurricanes vote count: 15
Voters: mrbuckeye, trav, Cocoa, Wanted, Ling, Wicksteed, Liampie, tyandor, Xtreme97, Jonny93, 5Dave, MCI, Insanity, Casimir, FK+Coastermind
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Shame the RevoLLutionists' park was unfinished. It isn't hard to imagine where it was going, though, and could have been great.
I wasn't very fond of the Hurricanes' park, though. There were quite a few spelling errors(Entrence Tree Trunk, Funghi Flyer, etc.), which probably wouldn't affect a normal person's viewing of the park, but it does affect my viewing experience. I wasn't a fan of any of the coasters, even Fungi Flyer, just a very slow, boring ride to try to watch. I liked some of the ruined archy, but disliked a lot. I enjoyed the tower behind Gala, but not the one by Terra and the River ride(forgot the name, Fera, was it?). A somewhat enjoyable park for me, but could've been much better.
As I don't have LL, no vote, but I'm pretty certain it wouldn't change the outcome anyway.
Disappointed though, I can guess at least 2 of the parkmakers on the Hurricanes park and I just get the feeling they maybe weren't fully inspired as they're 2 of the best when it comes to ideas and small things, but I just didn't find many things that caught my eye and made me think 'wow'.
well, I am a little annoyed that I had to fish out my LL cd just to vote on this one, you could pretty much see everything from the overview
This was a really fun little park with a very interesting theme that felt a little like planet of the apes and a little bit like concrete jungle, but taken to a much further extent. Throughout the park there is a lot of great ruins architecture, along with a few other pieces that aren't quite as well layed out or thoughtful. Mostly I loved the architecture on the Terra side of the park, but I felt the area around Gaia was not as good. The leaf station was brilliant, and that part of the park felt nice, but also like I'd seen it a million times before. I sincerely hope someone else on your team uses those short jungle fences because otherwise they're a dead giveaway
The park layout could have used a little work, as it felt strange or awkward in parts, but overall it worked well enough for me. I also love when parks have the word Terra in their name, but Progressia sounds like a type of pasta or maybe an art movement. It just didn't really fit the park IMO. Maybe some word to do with plants or nature would have worked better.
not much of a challange this week, I'm afraid
Ehh. Really hated the wooden coaster. Rest was pretty cool.
On the other hang - loved Gaia! Would be so fun to ride.
The Hurricane's park I did not like at all. Some good ideas here and there, but nothing incredibly stunning or amazing. The layouts of the coasters were pretty terrible overall... Gaia wasn't TOO bad, but the woody was atrocious. After three amazing parks from the Hurricanes, I'm pretty surprised at the quality of this round.
I liked the overall idea of Terra Progressia, but the individual parts that made it up seemed a little dysfunctional. Coaster layouts were good but not over the top. The giant leaf was probably the most awesome thing about the park (given, it was pretty awesome).
The best thing that can be said for the Revollutionists' park is that it looks like there were some cool ideas in formation. But a lot of the stuff that confuses me I'm not sure whether to attribute to unfinished-ness or failure to communicate. Either way, I hope this marks the end of the forfeited rounds.
Because we are not obliged by a sense of pride and the desire to stomp other peoples faces into the dirt.
Wicksteed Offline
I quite liked the Hurricanes park. Kind of similar in theming ideas to what I'm going for with Sacre du Printemps. So I find it quite inspiring.
A bit rough and unrefined in some places though.
Not much to be said about the revoLLutionists park, sadly.
Wodan had a great layout. I didn't really enjoy anything else, sorry. It's too unfinished and I just don't like this style of LL much. So far, all LL parks so far have been quite disappointing. None had really good aesthetics. It's all just too technical. Cars Land was pretty good, but it was empty as well. Lost Samurai had a focus on aesthetics, but it was horribly rushed. I loved Concrete Jungle even though it was so technical, but it was unfinished and lifeless anyway. Copper Creek was random and unrefined. With Europa (park?) we've really hit the bottom I think. Hopefully your round 5 park will look better again, I expect to see more of Loopy and Ride6 so I still have hopes. RevoLLutionists, the balance between aesthetics and technique has been lost and that's what making you lose rounds, not because you are playing LL. Sea World Sydney and Xlapak won because they had a good balance. They looked great AND they had good ideas and hacks. None of the LL parks so far came even close to those two.
I'm sorry I can't say 'good job guys' here.
I'm in the mood apparently, so I'll just say this right away: wow, everyone above here is fucking spoiled.
1. natural beauty!
2. the amazingly placed viewing platform
3. fun detail
And of course,