Park / Lake Wylie Cyclone
10-July 12
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- Comments 2

28.46%(required: 65%)
Design Submission
geewhzz 55% Casimir 50% disneylhand 40% chorkiel 35% BelgianGuy 30% Liampie 30% Phatage 30% turbin3 30% Maverix 25% Roomie 25% CedarPoint6 20% tyandor 20% wheres_walto 20% posix 15% Pacificoaster 10% 28.46% -
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The theming is (sry) bad. The houses are blocky and boring, there missing tiles and the mix between ncso and cso objects is not looking that good together. I didn´t liked the layout of the log flume, too.
Next time, try to improve on your buildings. I dont need to tell you, that there are plenty of awesome cso players around here, where you can take loads of inspiration from. try on building more and bigger layouts, this one is, as I said, to small for a design.