Park / [H2H6] R3 - RevoLLutionists - Concrete Jungle
09-June 12
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Quality over quantity.
Both were great parks, but I think the Reservoir Dogs did a little better
Both parks were outstanding, though Copper Creek was just more aesthetically pleasing to me. Overall, the hacks were incredible and the park was wonderful. Don't get me wrong, Concrete Jungle was fantastic and I loved the ideas, it just didn't quite seem, there in my opinion.
Well done Dogs for beating the RevoLLutionists on their home turf.
First, thanks for making a great LL match guys. It was a shame we came out with unfinished stuff..
Originally, we tried to make some kind of an elf's tree house that was attacked by machines like in a 'Avatar' (Ironically, Hurricanes coming up with Avatar themed park) But he changed from the previous concept and asked me to make plants attacking the city.
Honestly, whole idea was came out by him. He pumping out tons of brilliant ideas and keep motivating me, Under construction with Crane, Vines grabbing highway, Happy panda restaurant, City park...etc etc. I'm just build around what he said.
But unfortunately. the end of the deadline came all too soon and we realised it's really hard to finishing this with right details. when about an hour left before the dealine. I was gripped by a feeling of panic and embarrassed so forgot to open the rides.
However, Winning or losing. the fact is It was great experience for me and I'm still proud of collaboration with him.
I'm still remember when he posted my stuff in honorable mention. By that time I never expected to working with him....he was great a partner.
* If you guys have some questions, feel free to post them!
Thanks for all the great comments on Copper Creek and thanks Milo and Perriot for a great matchup.
Copper Creek started badly as it was originally meant to be for myself and Geewhzz, However Gee really wasn't up for LL and seemed pretty down about the whole thing. It ended up with us having a bit of an argument on AIM about his motivation which was probably part of (although not the whole) the reason he left. (he never actually built a thing on the map.
Anyway once Mav joined he stepped up to the plate and despite limited LL building before he dived in head first and he was a pleasure to work with and really gave me more motivation to finish this. Hopefully he learnt some good LL skills with codex
We actually managed to get the park done and submitted almost a week before the deadline which felt good
Throughout the process I tried to keep some of Gees style in the park as it wasn't quite what I usually build and I'm very happy with what we ended up with. One hiccup was when the Flying Germans used the same song I planned to use for their Pirate themed park. However with a bit of editing I cut down the song and added in the theme from Monkey Island which worked pretty well I think. The organ music was also a live recording of an amusement park Organ at a steam fair.
Anyway if anyone has any questions then let me know
I will write a review of Concrete Jungle a little later as there is a LOT I want to say about that park. Milo its a genuine tragedy that you have to leave. And I will miss you greatly.
But heres to more LL this season and a great all LL matchup for the first time in years.