Park / [H2H6] R3 - RevoLLutionists - Concrete Jungle
09-June 12
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75.00%(required: 70%)
G Force 85% Kumba 85% chorkiel 75% Cocoa 75% Ling 75% posix 75% RWE 75% Scoop 75% csw 65% Liampie 55% 75.00% -
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Unfortunately I don't have LL at this time so I'm unable to.
Wicksteed Offline
Concrete jungle was sadly unfinished (I suppose) but what was there was amazing. And since I love city themes and apocalyptic themes:
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My thoughts exactly.
It's not that hard people
btw I'd say this for the RevoLLutionists aswell...
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If that's sarcasm because Louis is an admin on our team he has pretty much nothing to do with decisions on H2H based on matters like this. I'd assume neither does Liam and so it's all down to Posix. Like my comment said.
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