Park / [H2H6] R3 - RevoLLutionists - Concrete Jungle
09-June 12
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In fact most of the dats in that folder are just the in game music in Wave Files with a .dat extension. change the extensions from .dat to .wav yourself and you can listen to them.
I'm slightly concerned as to why you voted without doing it though. What if those dats had done something different and had changed the game in some other way? then you would be voting on incomplete evidence surely? admittedly all it does is change music so the park wont sound as it meant to. but you didn't know that.
I honestly don't mean to sound harsh. but its the same as people voting on just the overviews in my opinion. you don't get the full experience the creator was aiming for either way
Both parks are good but revoLLutionists Had an unfinished look to it.
Neither park is really my style (all of the excessive hacking takes away from the park itself to me), but Concrete Jungle really captured my attention in terms of doing something revolutionary. Its composition was a bit crisper than Copper Creek too. I am a bit put-off by the absurd scale the buildings in Concrete Jungle, though it's obviously hard to achieve correct scaling in LL. In the end...
Copper Creek - I loved it. Just outstanding stuff. Peep friendly with great rides and loads of creative idea. Again not even close imo. I would love to make a "little things" post for this, but I have parks to build too... 9.5/10.0
I definitely agree that if it hadn't been music, there would have been a problem. But I looked around the park, didn't see anything out of the ordinary that would have meant a different change, so I figured the experience was close enough. I always play rct on mute anyway so I probably wouldn't have noticed
Whilst I think the RevoLLutionists created what would be classed as the 'better' Rct work, the Reservoir Dogs park kept me interested for much longer. It seems like another 'Style v Substance' match, and substance will win it for me every time.
First Copper Creek. What should i say. This was a awesome park. I enjoyed it a lot. The composition between the nice rides, the architecture and the custom music worked really well for me. The peeps in the park do wonders for the atmosphere. The hacks on this park are impressive. Escpecially the lift system of shipwreck falls. I also love the flying plane. Great Idea!
Concrete Jungle was very good too. Only problem, it feel a bit liveless if i compare it with Copper Creek. Some things like the crane on the construction site or the window cleaner on the building front are the details i wanna see. Also the plants which destroys the highway are very esthetic. Other problem is the emptyness in some areas.
All in all i enjoyed both parks and all builders can be proud on their work. Without LL experience i dont want to vote in this match.
Wrong way to vote. Look at the top of the first page.
Concrete Jungle was very impressive. The architecture really was the strength here, those buildings were so realistic and beautiful. The little details everywhere were amazing and especially the crane was just insane, probably the best executed idea I've ever seen in LL. The highway was very nice as well. However, it looked quite unfinished and dead in places, I didn't really get the purpose of the (not operating) coaster and I wasn't a big fan of the concept in general. Although by far technically superior to Copper Creek, I felt there was a lot more to see in the latter park. Still a pretty awesome, I would definitely vote for it if it were against an average rct2 park.
Copper Creek didn't look too appealing from the overview, but it was amazing in-game. The architecture wasn't as impressive as in Concrete Jungle, the foliage was pretty bad and it felt rather messy in places, but it had very fun-to-watch rides, cool hacks, and most important of all, peeps and wide paths at the same time. It had the pure amusement park feel without looking amateurish, which has become quite rare in LL. Some structures and ideas really reminded me of K0NG's rct2 work, that was pretty cool too.
This one's close, Copper Creek could stand to feel more like a mining town and Urban Jungle could stand to feel like something that isn't a bunch of brown tall things.
Woah, that's a theme you don't get everyday! A plant infested city that's overgrowing? Nice one! I really liked the whole idea of it and the cool signs of destruction all over the place, the bursted streets, the crushed buildings and the holes everywhere. Reminded me of some post apocalyptic scenario where the plants slowly but surely are taking back the cities. I loved all the little details: The construction site, the highway structure, and all the peoples' thoughts. Nice work there! The photosynthesis coaster layout was nice but it could have been a bit more exciting and not so more or less realistic. The hacked ride was awesome too but I didn't really get what was going on on the ride itself. Everything was so hidden. What I didn't really like was the huuuge station building of the coaster. It was just too big and ugly. Maybe a glass indoor bath or a shopping center would have worked a lot better than a 30*30m brown block. Also I didn't really get the seeds thingy. It looked like it was there on purpose with a path and sign leading to it in the middle of the street? Also the small park area looked more like filler. All in all an awesome idea which could have pushed forward even more! Anyways... Another city park? Come on!
Copper Creek:
Haha that Welcome Message was hilarious! This park felt much more alive (in terms of people) than the other one. There was movement everywhere. It looked somehow like an old school scenario park with hacks all over the place. The entrance area was nice and charming but I wasn't sure what theme it was and how it connected to the big coaster. The themed areas had some nice details like the gold washing thingies, the backlot details and the stuff around the rapid ride as the ride itself was really awesome. My favorite parts were definately the Screaming swing, the rapid ride and the Intamin water ride. Amazing work there guys! It nearly looks like Gee never left the team! Hacking-wise the park has so much to offer, it was nearly too much. The airplane, the vertical lift, the whirlwind and so on. It was all really nice but it felt like some of the stuff was just there for the sake of hacking. The first thing that cought my eye was Himalaya. It had a nice layout and all but it felt somehow overpowering and like an afterthought. Like you've read they like big coasters in parks and now we need one fast! I could be wrong though. What I also didn't like was the Steam Train in shuttle mode. It just looks awkward when the train goes backwards. And Big kudos for giving the RevoLLutionists a fair and evenly match! Oh and that Music is WIN!
Great round once again! The quality of H2H6 is so amazing so far!
What would've been funny if the revollutionists actually would have made an rct2 park since they had a hunch we'd send in an LL park...
great work from both teams,
but I might be biased but peepable LL is soooo much better than non peepable, major kudos for that one guys!!!
I hate to vote away from revollutionist in an all LL competition, but im gonna. I loved both these parks, but RD's park just felt to have a clearer vision. The details were there in both, but they seemed more impressive in the atmosphere of Copper Creek. The airplane was brilliant, and all the hacks were highly impressive. Concrete Jungle was also really impressive, i think the crane and building under construction were my favorite part of this matchup, such a smart use of rides and hacking. Yet, despite the themeing, Concrete Jungle just felt oddly empty and dead. I think that is mainly due to the peeps and movement of Copper Creek. It felt cluttered at times, but really just amazingly detailed and atmospheric.
Also, btw, this parks marks two giant splash boat tower things for RD's, and i have to admit i think those towers are the UGLIEST thing ever. In really life, in RCT, the concept is just so ugly and unappealing. a very cool hack, but an easy way to ruin an area (which is what happened for me in Pixar, but somehow wasn't as bad in this park, probably the positioning helped, putting it in a corner).