Park / [H2H6] R3 - RevoLLutionists - Concrete Jungle
- 09-June 12
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75.00%(required: 70%) Gold
G Force 85% Kumba 85% chorkiel 75% Cocoa 75% Ling 75% posix 75% RWE 75% Scoop 75% csw 65% Liampie 55% 75.00% - 3 fans Fans of this park
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posix Offline
Round Robin
Round 3 | Match 2
Voting Closed
___VS ___(Voting duration: 120 hours)
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"Copper Creek"
by the Reservoir Dogs
"Concrete Jungle"
by the RevoLLutionists
Voting Closed
Reservoir Dogs beat revoLLutionists
Copper Creek was made by Maverix and Roomie. Concrete Jungle was made by pierrot and Milo.
Reservoir Dogs vote count: 12
Voters: JJ, Wanted, olddtfan51, Kumba, MorganFan, RCTMASTA, trav, Dimi, Ling, 5dave, FK+Coastermind, MCI
not counted: mrbuckeye (registered after trading week)
RevoLLutionists vote count: 11
Voters: Fr3ak, Dark_Horse, Cocoa, Six Frags, Xtreme97, posix, Miracle, gir, Wicksteed, Dr_Dude, Liampie
How to vote
- This season vote is by reply only. Only votes using the format as below will be counted.
- Everyone but players belonging to either team in the match may vote.
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Liampie Offline
ScOtLaNdS_FiNeSt Offline
Ruben Offline
Have to say: Respect for the dogs for doing this. Very nice twist, and a dream for many LL-ers at this site I believe.
Scoop Offline
Fr3ak Offline
Dark_Horse Offline
trav Offline
I shall withhold voting here until I am in a more sober state
CedarPoint6 Offline
JJ Offline
Was just more fun to look at for me personally.
Cocoa Fan Offline
Well, I think we know who built this and I have to say, its sort of a classic ______ park (stop making coasters yellow with black supports though, they look like bumblebees). I quite liked this park. Some nice theming and architecture, and different themes kept it fresh. Although I would have though a different path choice for each area would have diversified them a bit more. There were some nice little details, like the goldpanning, sit on train, flying banner, broken up rides, etc, but nothing really groundbreaking or new that caught my eye. In a couple of places the park flowed awkwardly, like near that weird pointy castle building near the custom s&s swing. Also, I felt that the giant white coaster, while nice, would have needed some room to breathe and sort of make the park feel too crowded.
This was some cool stuff! The architecture here was incredible, definitely by far the best skyscrapers I've ever seen in LL and some of the buildings rival rct2 quality, with awnings, tables, custom windows, etc. All of the city details were pulled off excellently, like the construction workers, freeway, etc. What really made this park cool though, is the titular jungle effect, that at once seems like a catastrophe, but also seems natural and flowing. The park was excellent in my opinion, and really exuded that nice LL aesthetic that I really felt was lacking in the Dogs park. Unfortunately that one bit was unfinished, but I'm willing to let it slide, granted the overall quality of the rest of the park.
I vote RevoLLutionists
BTW, revollutionists, what the hell was that yellow ride
thing? "rape ride?" wtf?
wheres_walto Offline
Wanted Offline
Six Frags Offline
Screen review later on.
In:Cities Offline
Fantastic job fellas. I regret being unable to open either park, but the overviews have captivated me for some time now. Great work!
chorkiel Offline
Copper Creek looks like a well executed theme with some really cool details (I liked that plane ;p). And peeps, never forget the peeps.
Concrete Jungle was a great concept and incredibly executed in some parts but a bit lacking in the city part (I haven't seen the front of these buildings). Or I'm misunderstanding the concept, but as I know the idea was to make a city becoming a jungle, right?
Xtreme97 Offline
I vote RevoLLutionists
J K Offline
If I could vote, I'd vote for Copper creek as I really liked the look of the coaster and interaction with it's whole surrounding.
I feel like I'm in H2h4 again!
Turtle Offline
From the overviews, both parks look MUCH better than they did from zoomed out. The crane in concrete jungle looks insane, and I love the concept. Copper Creek looks really interesting too.
I'm actually really interested to find out who the builders on these are. I can guess one from each park I think.
posix Offline
I opened Concrete Jungle and found that construction site with the yellow crane and just spoke out "My goodness..." aloud. The detail clarity is so damn high. The crane alone is totally genius. So much creativity in this. The highway likewise is just totally unreal. The theme is really complex yet very easily comprehensible. All the design is coherent despite its extreme intricacy. Obviously it hurt how it was unfinished considering the epic scale that could have been reached, but I just hope the creators will do that after the match.
Copper Creek was pretty wonderful, too. Honestly though, I'm tired of having my game altered in some way to make the park more "special". Just perform regularly and compete with people on the same level without applying these kind of tricks. I liked the liveliness thanks to the peeps and clean single-wide path hack everywhere. Really added to the park. The rides were fun to watch and had some pretty cool ideas like the tornado. Also loved the Western theme which we haven't seen in so long that I actually tried one myself recently. Did a gold panning section too in there and must admit your idea to realise this in LL is better, but not as oldschool as mine of course
Still, overall: I vote RevoLLutionists