Park / [H2H6] R3 - Hurricanes - Avatar
- 13-June 12
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79.38%(required: 70%) Gold
Kumba 90% Cocoa 85% G Force 85% Jaguar 85% Sulakke 80% ][ntamin22 80% chorkiel 75% trav 75% bigshootergill 70% Liampie 65% 79.38% - 6 fans Fans of this park
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J K Offline
Wanted Offline
BRAVO Walto, In:Cities, and Levis.
J K Offline
Turtle Offline
Well done all of you, very cool park indeed.
pierrot Offline
chorkiel Offline
Walto mainly because he used to have an Avatar avatar.
Kumba because this fits in his style.
J K for the atmosphere actually. The builders do make sense though. Levis mostly for the hacks ;p
I do hate that Harry Potter wasn't finished. PLEASE try to finish it.
I purposely didn't vote for this because even though the hurricanes park was a lot better. They had already gotten a ton of votes and where I don't mind that the germans gets votes against themself I feel like for the tiebreaker it would be the fairest if the hurricanes only get the win out of this. Pure opinion.
wheres_walto Offline
chorkiel Offline
][ntamin22 Offline
Well this was an unexpected accolade
Scoop Offline
well shit why did this take soooo long for a vote?
wheres_walto Offline
Gold 5 years later? I'll take it
Liampie Offline
It takes a long time before these pre-NE5 parks get triggered for accolade voting anyway, and then these parks do not get much attention and priority. If these parks are eligible for accolades, naturally spreading them out like this is in my opinion the best way to do it. It's all good! But if you want to speed up the process, feel free to go through all the H2H and Pro Tour parks and leave a rating. Perhaps some reviews too, it's never too late for those!
RWE Offline
This was 2012? Holy shit, time flies... I remember looking at this and being amazed by all the good quality stuff. There is so much to explore in this map which has to do with the actual film... still worth a look in 2017!