Park / RobinHood
24-June 12
- Views 1,920
- Downloads 474
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- Comments 13

47.69%(required: 65%)
Design Submission
inVersed 65% K0NG 65% JDP 60% BelgianGuy 55% Casimir 55% Maverix 55% Phatage 55% CedarPoint6 50% Dimi 45% Roomie 40% tyandor 40% wheres_walto 40% That Guy 35% turbin3 25% 5dave 20% 47.69% -
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Rhynos Offline
I'd ask if you ever want to do a duo with myself for a NSCO project, but I've never been reliable as far as turning out (any) projects.
Still, very nice scenery - not too repetitive, but it all flows very well together. If I were to offer any criticism, I would say that the grey church in the middle looked a bit odd and naked on the side opposite the tower. Other than that, excellent usage of detail given the parameters of NCSO.
@SuicideCarz: Yeah, I´ll try something different with my next solo-project. But unfortunatly the design I´m currently working on is medival again^^ But that was BigB´s idea
@Rhynos: Well, you could star a project and let someone else finish it
All in All a very good coaster. Well done!
Also I respect everybody gives a vote over than 50% for this.
Gruß RWE
You need way more ideas so you can build more interesting stuff. You also need more creative solutions to realise your ideas in-game. I get the feeling you're playing randomly and with little consciousness, choosing whatever object may just look nice at a certain moment. Put more mind to your creations and make them speak of your ideas so people get sucked into your parks.
@SuizideCarz: I agree with you 100%. And as I said I´ll try something totally different on my next solo-project...
Looking forward to it man! Your work inspires me most so if you try something different chances are I will as well!
This was nice, but nothing special. Good layout, good archy, but nothing special. Try to make each and every building unique and interesting. It is better to build, and to view. Also, more interaction is always a good thing. The queue was great, but try integrating a ride to the actual town. For example, have the ride dive down into a spot where a building could go, and have it pop out at another similar area. Give the impression to the peeps that they don't know where it will go next. Just some tips to hopefully help you break that Design barrier! Hope these help!