Park / [H2H6] R2 - The Replacements - Tivoli Gardens


This park shares comments with 1 other park(View Park)
  • CedarPoint6%s's Photo
    Park Edda
    I really liked both parks quite a bit, so this was a really tough choice. But I liked the wooden coaster so much that it pushed it over the edge for me. That, and the splashdown through the crashed ship on the water ride.

    This was a very impressive round.
  • Maverix%s's Photo
    I feel like, as others have said, had the Germans park been finished, this would have been a great match-up, but in the end the lack of the park being finished was too much of a setback.

    Vote: Replacements
  • Dr_Dude%s's Photo
    My vote goes to the Flying Germans. Though the Replacements park was more detailed and more complete, I spent more time looking at Edda and found the atmosphere more enveloping. I think that actually makes the park more impressive.
  • K0NG%s's Photo
    Glad I decided to buy lotto tickets tonight instead of waiting til tomorrow.
    Any time that Dude and I agree on something....well, there's gotta be something in the air.

  • Wicksteed%s's Photo
    I vote for Park Edda.
    Both parks are very good. But I want to award the creativity in Park Edda.
  • Xtreme97%s's Photo
    My vote goes to Tivoli Gardens.
  • Goliath123%s's Photo
    Park Edda

    Tivoli, while great didn't have the original feel that i love about new themes, and being based on a real park takes away some of the creativity i think every park needs
  • muuuh%s's Photo

    Both parks are very good. But I want to award the creativity in Park Edda.

    my vote also goes to park edda
  • J K%s's Photo
    Wow I really didn't expect this. I thought Tivoli would have had a landslide number of votes but it just goes to show you what a strong coaster will do to people.
  • MCI%s's Photo
    I just saw that something went wrong with my vote.
    I voted for Park Edda and the flying Germans, but my vote was counted to the replacements...
    So still Park Edda for me please.
  • chorkiel%s's Photo
    I vote for TIVOLI GARDENS.

    I hoped Park Edda would be as great as park Asterix, but it lacked in so many ways it felt as if you didn't know whether you wanted to go for uber-realism or semi-realism. As posted before why make the mountain look like it's intended fake? The coaster was amazing though and kept the park alive quite well.

    Tivoli Gardens was just perfected in details. Where I didn't really like the layouts of the coasters and it didn't have a coaster that stood out it was so detailed all over. Imo it's clearly superior.

    You both did a great job it's just a shame that FG have had this problem with distrust and such. I hope everything will be fairing well as it did before.
  • JJ%s's Photo
    Strangely I'm more drawn to Park Edda, even though it's nothing I would go for normally, so that's my vote O.o
  • djbrcace1234%s's Photo
    Park Edda for me... I'm a sucker for GCI layouts. :p
  • posix%s's Photo
    Sorry MCI and thanks for the heads-up.
  • Baros%s's Photo

    Park Edda , what a amazing wooden coaster omfg the best i've seen in RCT

    I voted park edda , not the gardens ? mistake ?
  • BelgianGuy%s's Photo
    I vote tivoli, it just cathed me more and I really liked the themes,

    edda had a great coaster but it'sthe only memorable thing for me
    also the fact that it looked like parc asterix with a different theme slapped on the map made it look a little cheesy for me personally
  • Wanted%s's Photo
    I've spent hours looking at these two parks. I didn't think it'd be this close. I guess I'm gonna vote.

    Edda by Flying Germans

    PS : Mysterious creator of Tivoli - I love your park. It's like Edda is 100 and yours is 99. So fucking close. Sorry man.
  • Fizzix%s's Photo
    Only like 40 votes? A lot of work went into this contest from the Admins, only to get a mere 40 votes..
  • Turtle%s's Photo
    Hey, final score of our match was 13-8!
  • Fizzix%s's Photo
    Yeah, it's not right. Looking back at previous H2H's, there wee 100+ votes sometimes. Why not now?

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