Park / [H2H6] R2 - Reservoir Dogs - Pixar Animation Studios
24-May 12
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(London Dungeon not counted of course)
I have only said that the buildings (which I think they found dutch-looking), are pretty english buildings. This is more the village style of a couple of centuries ago. It's still used in london but I haven't seen a complete 'part' of London in this style.
I thought we're seeing this idea sooner or later. I liked the park idea itself but there were things that confused me a little. First it seems that this park is set in the middle of London which is a bit strange because you had the landmarks of London inside a park of London itself. Kinda strange to me. The themed area with all the tudor houses was suggesting this is a themed city park but all the sport stadiums and the overall theme of the park is more about the olympic games. So the park is kinda suffering some sort of identity crisis. I think if you were just going for a leisure park that's situated near the REAL olympic park at London it would be a lot more convincing. So right now it's just a London themed park inside the city of London inside the olympic park of London. haha. I know you explained this all in your readme but still it makes no sense to me why there would be rides themed to London in London itself, sorry! But there were also things I really liked about the park: All the little details of the sport stadiums were really nice, the drug testing was a funny idea and the traffic really brought this park to life, although the trams could have used a little cable above, no? Although they didn't fit - the landmarks and the row of tudor houses were also nice. The rides were nothing spectecular but I liked the hacked Eurofighter, although it would have been better with a BBS. Including the olympic rings was a nice touch! The giant ferris wheel was also nice and it was working. The custom music also added a lot to it, the hymn and the Big Ben sound was really cool. The water ride looked kinda strange and bare and the water jets for visitor were facing the support structure rather the boats. All in all it was enjoyable and if it wasn't such a clutter of ideas it would have turned out amazing. Well done! Haha I still find that Olympic logo in general hilarous!
Pixar Animation Studios:
First the park looks like a mess when you open it, but if you go into detail and check out all the stuff it's really cool. Pity it's a bit unfinished though. The entrance is really amazing. I liked the idea of the ticket booth queue although it wasn't really new but it worked so well here. Also the monorail station was awesome and so was the iconic Pixar lamp on top of it. This Ferris wheel was amazing too, although the gaps while loading were not so appealing, but that's to only way to make it work I suppose. Remy's (
My vote goes to the Reservoir dogs!
Why? Even if the name dispute affects anything, I loved the different ideas put into the park. I thought that the turtle and the Wall-e parts were fantastic but the Incredibles part brought it down. Great park overall. The London Olympic Park just left me looking at the park for only 10 minutes and saying is that it? Seriously, some of the architecture was far off but the rides were nice. The theme was a good choice but there was not a whole lot to look at and say wow!
Close match.
Our park is NOT meant to be in central London as you know it, but how our team envisioned the newly build Olympic park to look like, with the addition of a fair. Some exact plans were not yet public when we started/building this park (such as that structure you posted gir) so our team just thought how it all would be nice to look like.
All things are newly build and those landmarks are not supposed to be the real things but attractions in replicas.
Just trying to clear things up..
The Pixar Studios include some awesome hacks and custom rides. Especially the Finding Nemo attraction was incredible with those lifts and the underwater stuff.
Some of the architecture like the entrance building and the station of the wild mouse are good but many other buildings are to bare in my eyes.
But the main problem is that the park is a bit unfinished.
In the Olympics park from the canes is the arcitecture overall really good. But the tudor houses looking a bit like copy and paste. I also miss a bit the london feeling but thats ok. Good for me was that park contains a lot of interior of the houses.
The London Eye is one of the best rct2 giant wheels ever and the other rides like the eurofighter are all good too.
Overall i like the canes park more. So my vote goes to the Hurricanes!
Reservoir Dogs:
I really liked the idea, and especially the lift, which really adds something to the park. Most of the park is executed well, but it looked a bit unfinished in places imo.
Also a good park! The music fitted really good in the park. There a a lot of good details in it (McDonalds!). Lol at
Really good work, and executed good!
My vote goes to the Hurricanes.
try to drag and drop it manually. i had the same problem when i wanted to extract the objects into the folder. winrar just created a new folder inside my objdata folder with the new rides when i extracted them. so maybe try that. it should work really.
About the Londen olimpics, the park looks really cool and there are verry much nice hacks on it ! but all at all, i see more interesting things at the park from Reservoir Dogs than at the one from Hurricanes,
My vote goes to Reservoir Dogs
Can someone send me the object "BUTTFLY"?
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Hurricanes: Nice work ,nice detailed architecture ,it was pleasent to look at ,but it didn't feel like a park. The traffic was a great idea, but sad to see everyone crashing in to each other (London traffic is dangerous), but i understand that synchronization of that would be impossible (probably). The stadium was nice. The ride inside the Big Ben was a funny idea. The rollercoaster was small though and I didnt like the watercoaster.
Difficult desision.
I didn't like both ferriswheels though, but the best of the two was in London. I might be a difficult job, but it just doesn't look realistic at all (but that's just me).
My vote will be: Hurricanes.
- architecture *****
- original ideas *****
- layouts (attractions) ****
- organization ****
- atmosphere *****
- scenery ************
(scenery was so perfect, the cars, the buildings, everything!)
The only thing that I didn't liked was the giant wheel, but otherwise, was all perfect!
Congratulations to Hurricanes and Reservoir Dogs too!