Park / Monstrocity
26-May 12
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From the overview alone ,i would say Monstrocity definately.
But i don't have rct LL. So i'll be fair to say...
Monstrocity just left me feeling that you used the same ideas over and over (Peeps go through the mouths of 4 different things, very repetitive) and the architecture was just not that good I'm afraid. It was decent in places, but a lot of the time I just wasn't a fan.
Lost Samurai was better looking but was faaar too empty in the middle of the park. If the middle of the map had been to the standards of the outer edges I think this would be a closer match.
I think I'm going to withhold my vote here because I can't decide which to vote for.
come on some more posts guys
But I can't watch one of them ingame, so NO VOTE.
My highlight on the park is the nautilos ride which is one of the most unique rides i have ever seen in this game. The high detailed underwater ground is so good.
In the neighborhood of this ride is the jaws coaster. I loved there especially the underwater tunnel and the jaws from the shark.
Another gigantic ride is the godzilla coaster with the fantastic statue and the great layout. Nice work here.
Also the big spider themed enterprise is great. Fantastic theming for a flat ride.
The only thing in the park i dont like is the dracula coaster. The interior is good but the castle look a bit bare from outside.
The Lost Samurai looks overall really good from the aerial but i cant watch it ingame.
Monstrocity is really great and until now my favorite park in this round but without LL no vote from me!
Monstrocity - I loved it. My fav park so far. If Xcoaster was in the contest and on your team I would have assumed he had a hand in it. I loved the underwater sub ride, the woodie, the shark coaster (tho the layout was meh), The spider's web, entrance birds, Godzilla, the burning building and the Dracula mansion interior was ingenues. 9.7/10.0
Vote = Monstrocity
Don't jump to conclusions, friend.
Lost Samurai:
-(Only from overview) This park reminds me of why I don't like LL. It just feels like something one would want to build in rct2, but preferred doing it to a lower standard in an older game. It has no advantages over rct2 any whatsoever, which your first park actually did. Imho you failed to create a unique atmosphere that breathes rct1, it more looks like a weak rct2-park. Not doing it for me.
-This looks like só much fun. Really enjoyed this, not overcomplicated but it just oozes atmosphere and building fun. The undersea monster was a great detail, and the whole concept of this nautulis ride was just great. This is one of the most enjoyable parks I've seen in H2H6 so far. Keep it up.
Airtime Offline
Personally I'd like to see you create a stronger rct2 park. This LL park is far better than a lot of rct2 stuff that's been released recently, it's not perfect nothing is but it's far better than weak rct2 parks.
It's always nice for creators to read comments but even even better for them to read a comment where someone has something a little positive to say amongst complete negativity. Even the smallest positive they can think of.
I still need to look at Heaven's Kitchen's park but that overview looks awesome. Looking forward to opening it up in game when I can.
What's with all the negativity with park reviews lately? We're all working our asses off to get parks out for you guys to watch, to make a good competition, and they're instantly slated. Kills the mood, somewhat! You're spoiled, guys.
(Oh and to the builders, don't take this too personal, it's just that I hardly ever réálly like LL parks and this just wasn't one of those very few. Probably more my flaw than the park's or something, just don't get LL in a lot of cases...)
What I liked:
- The Jaws coaster and how it went underwater in the tunnel, great.
- I liked most of the sculptures in the park like the wolf, spider, underwater creature etc... except for Godzilla
-Loved the curvy, smooth layout of the werewolf coaster. I think it would have been better if it would have interacted with the surroundings more, like going through a big forest or town.
-I loved the "others" ride. It was compact and sweet. The architecture, queue line, and coaster interaction were all very well done imo.
-Lots of the architecture was nice, especially the lighthouse, and the red and white building next to the wave bar and grill.
-The underwater scenery was awesome and very well done. The foliage and colors, tentacles etc..
-The Dracula ride was nice with all the interaction and details in the castle.
-Also the overall interaction of everything in the park was sweet.
-Some of the architecture was poor in places imo.
-The Godzilla sculpture looked rather poor compared to the others. I think it would have been better to build only parts of the body and not the whole thing, may be some above ground, some below.
-I think it would have benefited the park and theme if it was a bit more scary... Like making the foliage thicker or tighter paths perhaps.
Haven't seen the LL in game, but it looks like Heaven's kitchen park had more ideas and fun things to explore in it. I would have voted for monstrocity..
EDIT: Thanks Ling, I will look for it..
Upon viewing the aerial, I wasn't too impressed by Monstrocity. However, when viewing in game, my opinion changed drastically. This park was beautifully done and each area really stands out. I absolutely loved the Jaws area and the undersea ride. Tentacles = brilliant.
The Godzilla area was my least favorite, but still pretty cool nonetheless. That first drop is awesome!
Congratulations to both teams for completing and submitting these two amazing parks.
Screw the competition, I'm honestly just glad that quality material is being released:] Looking forward to whats ahead!