Park / Monstrocity
26-May 12
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- Comments 87
72.50%(required: 70%)
Kumba 80% Liampie 80% chorkiel 75% G Force 75% Jaguar 75% Sulakke 75% CoasterCreator9 70% Cocoa 70% Poke 70% posix 70% Faas 65% Xeccah 60% 72.50% -
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Round Robin
Round 2 | Match 3
Voting Closed
(Voting duration: 120 hours)
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by Heaven's Kitchen (Download now in Database)
"The Lost Samurai"
by the RevoLLutionists (Download now in Database)
Voting Closed
Heaven's Kitchen beat revoLLutionists
Monstrocity was made by FK+Coastermind, Camcorder22 and Turtle. Lost Samurai was made by Louis!, Gwazi and Ride6.
Heaven's Kitchen vote count: 13
Voters: Cocoa, olddtfan51, djbrcace1234, RCTER2, rct2isboss, Xtreme97, Kumba, RHCPepperfan, snas, Roomie, RCTMASTA, 5Dave, Dimi, Six Frags
RevoLLutionists vote count: 8
Voters: XCars, dr dirt, MCI, Maverix, posix, prodigy, Dr_Dude, JJ
- This season vote is by reply only.
- Everyone but players belonging to either team in the match may vote.
- We will check the topic frequently to update the vote counts.
- Until your vote has been added to the count you may edit your post to change your vote.
Attached Files
downloads: 495
downloads: 514
Two things:
- We kindly request you to not vote if you haven't seen both maps in game. Please.
- Make your vote bold or underlined to make it easier to count.
Thanks you.
Nice work, HK.
There wasn't any weak park yet. Kudos to you all!
Will post my thoughts on those two gems soon.
great park! I certainly love the original themes and I think the slightly risky choice paid off. There's a couple places where architecture and detailing seems a bit rushed or sparse but it's to a generally good quality throughout. Lots of little details really pulled me into this park, like the two jaws sculptures, the underwater tentacles, the werewolf face, etc. The entrance area was imo the best area, with some lovely atmospheric architecture and ride detailing. My main problem with this park though, is that it feels quite fractured, and that the areas are layed out awkwardly and I think it's clear when the builders change (as in the park doesn't flow as a whole unit, rather a collection of distinguishable works). But overall, I thought it was quite nice.
I was really expecting another great park from the overview, but the in game park left me unsatisfied. Landscaping was bare and awkward, architecture was boring and repetetive. The left side of the park is just a big wall with that pagoda structure repeated, and some bare walls and open paths. The other side had some random green walls and a different pagoda structure repeated. The only part I really liked was that tiny island in the foreground. There were certainly some nice spots if you look at them individually but altogether I felt that the park lacked content, and was bare and awkward in too many places.
My vote goes to Heaven's Kitchen
Samurai (the flyer) was great. Probably design-worthy in its own right. Truly fantastic work, both teams. But as a whole piece, and in such a stiff competition, my vote has to go to Heaven's Kitchen.
EDIT: Ah, yes, can't forget the frightened horse or dismembered bodies
No LL, no vote.
The RevoLLutionists Park was great as well, but it was very repetitive, and seemed to have the less content out of the two, so obviously, my hunger was not fulfilled, haha.
My fav park so far